
    On the Paradox in Hardy’s Jude the Obscure Abstract The works shows the conflicts between different people, people and the society, and people themselves. About the theme in the novel, it reveals issues of class, education, religion, and marriage in Victorian Age. This essay will mainly discuss the unique art of paradox in Hardy’s last novel Jude the Obscure. In fact, this paradox is the reflection of Hardy’s contradictory thoughts. The contradiction shows in Hardy’s infatuation and lament towards rural civilization, attachment and resistance to religion, pessimism and optimism to the society as well as traditional views and liberal humanism spirits. Living in the intersection of old civilization and modern civilization, Hardy himself experiences and also is deeply influenced by the great changes of the society. So paradox is part of his ideology. The paper will be pided into five parts: the first part will have a brief introduction. The second part will talk about the existing research of Jude the Obscure in the 30 years at home and abroad. The third part will analyze in details the embodiments of paradox in the novel. The forth part will show the influence of Hardy’s own experiences on the paradox in the novel. And the last part will have a conclusion.  47726

    Key words:contradiction; paradox; tension; 




    1. Introduction 1

    2. The Literature Review 2

    2.1 General Statement ……...2

    2.2 Researches Abroad ……...2

    2.3 Researches at Home ……...2

    3. The Embodiments of Paradox in the Novel ……...4

    3.1 The Paradox in Natural Society ...……4

    3.1.1 The Beauty and Simplicity of Wessex ...4

    3.1.2 The Decay and Ugliness of Wessex ...4

    3.2 The Paradox in Self Ideology ……...5

    3.2.1 The Dual Natures of Jude---a Saint and a Sinner 5

    3.2.2 The Paradox of Female Consciousness of Sue ---New and Traditional 5

    3.3 The Paradox in Marriage Value ……...6

    3.3.1 The Sarcasm of Religious Marriage and the Approval of Free Marriage 6

    3.3.2 The Opposition of Free Marriage and the Return to Religious Marriage 7

    4. The Influence of Hardy’s Own Experiences on the Paradox

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