
        In China, the purpose of classroom assessment can be pided into three different categories. First, classroom assessment for reward and punishment. Second, classroom assessment for human development. Last, classroom assessment for improve teaching and learning. (Wen Yongdian, 2006) Yang Xiangdong holds that the improvement of classroom assessment should be integrated with various elements to ensure the accuracy and classroom assessment is the core step in formative assessment. (Yang Xiangdong, 2009) Wang Kai argues that it is important to explicitly know the purpose of effective assessment in order to break through the difficulty of current classroom assessment. Only when classroom assessment tightly integrated with curriculum, teaching materials and teaching method can educate students in a scientific way. (Wang Kai, 2011)

    2.2 Immediate classroom assessment

        The most early research about immediate classroom assessment in American refers to Courtney Cazden who proposed the immediate assessment model: start-response-assess. In this model, the last step refers to teacher’s immediate feedback(praise or correct) to students’ answers. (Cazden, C. B. 1998) Western scholar Stiggins put forward three characteristics of effective immediate classroom assessment. Firstly, student should involve in assessment and then facilitate inpidual study based on the information. Secondly, teacher should use language that make sense to students in immediate classroom assessment to tell the reason of right or wrong. Third, student themselves should have the capacity of self assessment. (Chappuis, S. & Stiggins, R.J. 2002)

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