
    The Cooperative Learning in an English Class for Junior High Students Abstract With the development of science, technology, and economy, the world becomes smaller and smaller. As a world language, English is a window to the world. In middle schools, English as an important subject, has great significance in classroom research.48006

    English is a language subject and it has certain requirements in listening, speaking, reading and writing. However, traditional way of learning, in the form of teacher-oriented way, cannot meet the need of that. In contrast, cooperative learning, in the form of groups, gives students much more chances in language learning.

    Until now, China has made big progress in the area of cooperative learning. In some big cities and leading schools, cooperative learning even becomes major way of learning.

    However, the practice of cooperative learning are somehow popular in primary schools or first grade in middle schools. Therefore, I decide to have a try in the study of cooperative learning in Grade Nine.

    With the help of my tutor and some references , based on my practice in a middle school in Hangzhou, I make myself prepared and try to figure out my study from the following aspects: first, what are the features of Junior high students and how to get those features into full play in the process of CL activities ? Second, what are the positive effects of CL activities on students’ English proficiency ? Third, what are the problems that might occur from CL activities among junior high students? Fourth, what strategies can be made to solve those problems

        According to my study and data, I’d like to introduce my paper from six aspects: introduction, literal review, research methodology, data collection & analysis and conclusion.

    Key words: cooperative learning; Grade Nine; English class

    摘要世界在变小,发展在变大。英语作为一种世界语言, 是通向世界的一扇窗户。在中学中,英语作为一门重要学科,其课堂的教育研究意义重大。

    英语作为一门语言学科,对听说读写都有着一定要求。 而传统的,单一的,全班化的教学已然不能满足语言学习的要求。因此, 合作性学习作为一种新兴的学习方式,以合作的方式,给学生带来了在语言学习上带来了更广阔的机会。





    毕业论文关键词:合作性学习, 初三, 英语课堂


    Acknowledgments i

    Abstract ii

    摘  要 iii

    1. Introduction 1

    1.1 Background of the study 1

    1.2 The significance of the research 2

    1.3 Research questions 2

    1.4 An outline of the paper 3

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