
    摘要谭恩美(Amy Tan),著名美籍华裔女作家。1987年,她根据外婆和母亲的经历,写成了小说《喜福会》,奠定了她在文学界的声誉。《喜福会》以四对母女的故事为经纬,生动地描写了母女之间的微妙的感情。其用母女针锋相对的冲突,暗喻东西方文化的差异。随着经济和社会的快速发展,文化差异逐渐成为全世界各个民族所关心的共同问题。本论文以《喜福会》为研究范本,深入探讨中美文化的不同之处,剖析差异存在的渊源。《喜福会》鼓励人们在文化差异的影响下进一步实现全球化进程。此外,我们希望在跨文化交流中为了更顺利地与别人交流应该关注文化差异。48821


    Abstract Amy Tan is a distinguished Chinese-American women writer, who finished the novel The Joy Luck Club in 1987 according to the experience of her grandmother and mother. The novel lays the foundation of her prestige in the domain of literature. The Joy Luck Club vividly depicts subtle emotion on the basis of four groups of immigrant mothers and their Americanized daughters. It depicts the conflicts between mothers and daughters indicating the cultural differences between Chinese and American. With the rapid development of economy and society, cultural differences increasingly exert unpredictable effects on all aspects of our daily life. The issue of cultural differences is becoming a common concern worldwide. This paper takes The Joy Luck Club as an example, probes into the distinction between Chinese and American and analyzes the origin of the differences. Therefore, this paper aims at studying cultural differences between Chinese and American. The Joy Luck Club encourages people to further realize the process of globalization under the inference of cultural differences. In addition, we hope that the cultural differences should be paid attention to in cross-cultural communication in order to communicate with others successfully.

    Key words: The Joy Luck Club; Amy Tan; cultural differences between Chinese and American

     Analysis of Cultural Differences between Chinese and American in The Joy Luck Club


    摘 要 i

    Abstract ii

    I. Introduction 1

    II. Brief Introduction to Amy Tan and The Joy Luck Club 1

    2.1 About the Author 2

    2.2 About The Joy Luck Club 2

    III. Cultural Differences between Chinese and American 4

    3.1 Different Views of Marriage 4

    3.1.1 Different Views of Spousal Selection 4

    3.1.2 Different Views of Marital Purpose 6

    3.1.3 Different Views of Status of Husband and Wife 7

    3.2 Different Views of Values 8

    3.2.1 Different Views of Friendship 8

    3.2.2 Different Views of Face 10

    IV. The Reasons for Cultural Differences 11

    4.1 The First Generation Chinese-American Female 11

    4.2 The Second Generation Chinese-American Female 12

    V. Conclusion 13

    Bibliography 14

    Acknowledgments 15I. Introduction

    The Joy Luck Club is a famous novel about four groups of immigrant mothers and their American-raised daughters, which probes deeply into the cultural differences between Chinese and American. This paper comprehensively discusses the theme of cultural conflict in the novel. It analyzes the reasons for the cultural differences from two points of view—marriage and values. It also show us that two generations of mothers and daughters can achieve understanding and establish harmonious relationship only when people from different cultures are ready to respect the other’ s culture.,源Z自L优尔:文,论/文]网[www.youerw.com

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