    关键词     英语委婉语    汉语委婉语    跨文化     
    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
    Title    Comparative Study of Chinese and English Euphemisms in Cross-cultural Communication              
    Abstract This paper explores and studies the differences of Chinese and English euphemisms by analysis of the origin and definition of the euphemism. And from the cross-cultural perspective it discusses the relationship between euphemism and culture, analyses the types of euphemism, explores the differences between Chinese and English euphemisms and sums up the reasons for these differences. Through this paper it is expected to, in the era of globalization, help gain better and more harmonious communications with Westerners and avoid unnecessary misunderstanding.
    Keywords   Chinese euphemism  English euphemism   cross-cultural
    Table of Contents

    1  Introduction .1
    2  An Overview of Euphemism...  .1
    2.1  Origin of Euphemism......1
    2.2  Definition of Euphemism.....2
    2.3  Classification of Euphemism...2
    3  Euphemism and Cross-cultural Communication..3
    3.1  Euphemism’s Communication Efficacy..4
    3.1.1 Taboo and Customs Efficacy Avoidance4
    3.1.2  Beautifying Efficacy4
    3.1.3  Ironic Efficacy4
    3.2  Euphemism’s Communication Principle5
    3.2.1  Cooperative Principle  ....5
    3.2.2  Politeness Principle5
    4 Comparative Study of English and Chinese Euphemisms in Cross-cultural
    4.1  Religious Characteristic of English Euphemism7
    4.2  Class Characteristic of Chinese Euphemism7
    4.3  Euphemism in People’s Social Communication8
    4.3.1  Euphemism about Death8
    4.3.2  Euphemism about Old Age8
    4.3.3  Euphemism about Poverty9
    Conclusion10   Acknowledgements...11
    1 Introduction
    Euphemism originated in mental taboo, as a reaction to a vow of silence. For example, out of respect, do not call the object mentioned; touch out of fear and avoid threatening words, avoid the vulgar, embarrassing words, or flexible discourse. More subtle language is used to express a variety of strong, unspeakable words. Such euphemism selects the language in a certain context, and a variety of rhetorical intentions deviate from the conventional implicature, or contrary to the principle of cooperation. Now, the euphemism penetration is carried in various fields, and far more complex (Xu Lina, 2002:1).

    2 An Overview of Euphemism
    Euphemism is a common phenomenon in the process of exercise language. In different language communities, different social levels have some specific language means to express euphemistic(Shu Dingfang, 1989). As a form of rhetoric, euphemism has been widely used in verbal communication.  For a long time, some very vital expressions have been widely used in society, such as “comfort stations”(public toilets), “senior citizens”(old people). However, since the United States implemented the New Deal, the development of euphemism is rapidly, some word has even reached the point of absurdity, such as “slumber chamber”(the room where the body lies), ecological receptacle(trash barrel). As time goes on, the euphemism has changed too much, some words are no longer in use, some have been incorporated into English to become part of the English vocabulary. Hugh Rawson(1981) had ever pointed out, “...they (euphemism) are embedded so deeply in our language that few of us, even those who pride themselves on being plain-spoken, ever get through a day without using them”.
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