
    Abstract Edward Morgan Forster was a famous English novelist in early 20th-century British society. Most of his works focus on the spiritual poverty of the British upper middle class and characters of his works try to fight against the society in pursuit of liberation. A Room with a View is considered as one of his masterpieces. And in this novel, the main character―Lucy represented the rational and coward generation emerging during that era.49078

    The Psychoanalysis Theory, proposed by Freudian, not only works in Psychological science but has a great influence on literature. “Since psychoanalysis was used in literature, the description of human nature and human essence become deeper and deeper.”(Zhao 1) This paper aims to focus on the psychoanalytic interpretation of Lucy―heroine in A Room with a View .

    By analyzing Lucy from the four branches of psychoanalysis—Personality structure, the Defense Mechanism, Life Instinct and Death Instinct, the author first interprets the psychological evolution of Lucy,which reveals the complete process of the awakening of her self-consciousness. Then, the author analyzes the process of the awakening of Lucy’s feminist consciousness and concludes Forster’s writing purpose is to call on the whole society to pay more attention on women and that all women need to be more self-dependent and brave to seek their own happiness. 

    Key Words : Psychoanalysis     Feminist consciousness     Personality Structure         Defense Mechanism 

    摘 要E.M.福斯特是二十世纪初英国著名的小说家,散文家。他的作品多以描写英国中上层阶级的精神贫乏为主,每部作品主人公都试图与社会、传统习俗的斗争中追寻解放。而《看得见风景的房间》被认为是他最轻快的代表作。在《看得见风景的房间》中,女主角露西是理性而又懦弱的一代的代表。 

    弗洛伊德所创立的精神分析学不仅仅是对心理学领域,甚至对文学领域也产生了深远的影响。“自从精神分析学介入文学创作以后,文学对于人性以及人的本质的刻画已经获得空前未有的深度”(Zhao 1)本文通过弗洛伊德的精神分析学的角度解读《看得见风景的房间》中女主角露西。


    毕业论文关键词:心理分析     女性意识     人格结构     防卫机制     


    Abstract i

    摘 要 ii

    Contents iii

    Chapter One Introduction 1

    1.1 The Author 1

    1.2 The Novel 1

    1.2.1The Main Content 2

    1.2.2 The Main Character--Lucy 2

    1.3Literature review 3

    Chapter Two Theory of Psychological Analysis 5

    2.1 Theory of Personality structure 5

    2.2 Theory of Defense Mechanism

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