

    毕业论文关键词 《阿拉比》 爱尔兰 瘫痪 二元对立 结构 解构

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title    A Game of Opposition: The (De)Constructionist Mode in "Araby" 


    “Araby”, one of the short stories in Dubliners written by Irish author James Joyce, is intended as a vivid reflection upon social lives of Dublin in the late 19th century from the perspective of a little boy. Joyce considered Dublin as the center of paralysis, through observation of which a peer into the Irish social climate characterized by indifference and numbness is to be gained. From the aspects of character establishment, environmental description and literary themes the essay centers on the construction as well as the deconstruction of binary oppositions between male and female, light and darkness, spirituality and secularism, the Orient and the Occident, the imperialists and the nationalists, both of which help promote a better understanding of the identity search of the Irish people at the turn of the century.

    Keywords  “Araby”  Irish  paralysis  binary opposition  construction  deconstruction

    Table of Contents

    1 Introduction 1

    1.1Background Information 1

    1.2 Literature Review 1

    1.3 Research Approach 2

    2 Construction of Binary Oppositions in “Araby” 3

    2.1 Light Against Darkness 3

    2.2 Male Against Female 3

    2.3 Spirituality Against Secularism 4

    2.4 The Occident Against the Orient 4

    2.5 Nationalists Against Imperial Power 5

    3 Deconstruction of Binary Oppositions in “Araby” 7

    3.1 Gnomon Effect 7

    3.2 Reverse of The Dominant Gender 7

    3.3 Religious Corruption 8

    3.4 Disenchantment of The Orient 9

    3.5 Disoriented Nationalism 10

    Conclusion 12

    Acknowledgements 13

    References 14

    1 Introduction

    1.1Background Information

    “Araby” is the third novel of James Joyce’s Dubliners published in 1914, two years before the Easter Rising took place. Ireland at that time was a place where Irish nationalism clashed with British imperial power in different forms of political and cultural nationalistic movements, among which were Irish Republican Brotherhood that inherited from United Irishmen in the late 18th century and Young Irelanders in the mid-19th century, the Gaelic Athletic association of 1884, the National Literary Society of 1892, the Gaelic League of 1893 and so on. After the death of Charles Stuart Parnell, who, as the leader of the Home Rule League and Irish National Land League, became the “uncrowned king of Ireland”, the nationalist movements as Joyce saw them rather lacked the competence of touching the essence of Irish independence. Joyce found the cultural nationalists’ resort to ancient Irish myths in rebuilding Irish identity strengthless and separatists’ violent insurrections to overthrow the regime wrong-headed. He considered the moral corruption, notably the betrayal and spiritual paralysis as the true murder of both the savior Parnell and his beloved country. Joyce’s desperation of Dublin lives caused his self-imposed exile to cities like Triste, Zurich and Paris but at the same time stimulated his inspiration to create milestone works including Dubliners, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man and Ulysses, among which Dubliners is intended as a chapter in the moral history of Ireland and especially of Dublin, the center of paralysis according to James Joyce (乔伊斯, 2013, p. 98). 

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