
    A Contrastive analysis of Reiza and Dalloway’s loneliness and its contribution to Feminism in Mrs . Dalloway

    Abstract  Virginia Woolf was an English writer and one of the foremost modernists of the twentieth century. Mrs Dalloway is one of her master pieces and an example of stream of consciousness. It details a day in the life of Clarissa Dalloway, a fictional high-society woman in post–First World War England. The thesis focuses on the characterization of two main characters’ loneliness and points out how the contrastive endings of these two lonely people help to serve the theme of feminism. It sheds light on the unhappy ending of lonely Rezia and Mrs.Dalloway’s awakening of feminism respectively. It is through the contrastive characterization of these two people’s loneliness that the author proves the awakening of feminism is inevitable.49354

    Key words: contrastive analysis: loneliness: awakening: feminism


    摘  要弗吉尼亚伍尔芙是20世纪最重要的英国现代主义作家之一。她的代表作--《达洛卫夫人》发表于1925年,是一部经典的关于女性主义的意识流小说。小说虚构了一战后一个英国上流社会妇女--克拉丽莎•达洛卫一生中的一天。本文的主要目的在于对比分析蕾西娅和达洛卫夫人的孤独以及这些孤独的描写对揭示女性主义这一主题的作用,着重对比分析了蕾西娅要面对的孤独终老的结局和达洛卫夫人女性意识的觉醒。通过这样的分析,笔者将尝试证明在达洛卫夫人身上所体现的女性主义的觉醒是必然的。

    毕业论文关键词:对比分析; 孤独; 觉醒; 女性主义

    1. Introduction 5

    2. Literature review 7

    2.1. Definitions of loneliness and feminism 7

    2.1.1 Studies on Loneliness 7 The differences between 'alone' and 'lonely' 7 The definition and cause of loneliness 7

    2.1.2 Studies on feminism 8

    2.2  Studies on Mrs.Dalloway at home and abroad 8

    2.2.1 Studies on Mrs.Dalloway abroad 8

    2.2.2 Studies on Mrs.Dalloway at home 9

    3. Body 9

    3.1 Loneliness of Rezia—trap of traditional housewife 10

    3.1.1 characterization of loneliness 10 loneliness in family 10 Unfulfilled desire for communicating with her husband 10 Unfulfilled dream of having her own child 12  Loneliness out of family--Lack of social contact with others 13

    3.1.2 Darkness before the dawning of feminism 14

    3.2 Loneliness of Mrs.Dalloway—awakening of feminism 15

    3.2.1 The characterization of loneliness 15 Loneliness in family 15 Unfulfilled desire for equal communication with husband 15 Unfulfilled desire to establish intimate connection with her daughter 17 Loneliness out of family--Unfulfilled desire for sincere communication with others

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