    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
    Title  The imagery and symbolism in novel The Blue Castle
    The Blue Castle, written by Lucy Maude Montgomery, a famous Canadian woman, is a novel that could be labeled by “inspiration”, “pursuit”, “courage” and “change”. Besides a bewitching plot, the images applied in the novel are also impressive.
    Through the analysis of the images and symbolism of the novel, the surprising changes and growth of the heroine Valancy, this thesis points out that you yourself is your own master and seek for your own happiness just like Valancy, be brave enough to change yourself, then life may bring you other beauty sights and wonderful experience.
    Keywords   The Blue Castle;  imagery;  symbolism;  change
    Table of Contents
    1  Introduction...1
    1.1  Brief Introduction to The Blue Castle .......1
    1.2  General Introduction to Imagery and Symbolism..1
    2  Imagery in the Novel.....3
    2.1  The “Blue Castle”...3
    2.2  The “Mistaken Letter”.. .5
    2.3  The “Never Bloom Rosebush”....6
    2.4  The “Dust-pile of One’s Own”8
    3  Overall Comments on the Symbolism in the Novel9
    1 Introduction
    Lucy Maude Montgomery (1874-1942) was a Canadian author best known for a series of novels beginning with Anne of Green Gables, published in 1908. She was a master of children’s literature. The Blue Castle is considered one of L.M. Montgomery's few adult works of fiction and it has grown in popularity since being republished in 1990. It has been adapted for the stage several times. The bewitching plot and the images and symbolism applied in the novel are the highlights which together make the novel a success.  
    1.1 Brief Introduction to The Blue Castle
    Valancy Stirling, The heroine of the novel, is twenty-nine, unmarried, and has lived her entire life with her gossip-minded families who actively discourage happiness and treat Valancy like a child. When Valancy receives a letter which tells her that she has about only one year to live, she suddenly realizes that she has never been happy in her life, and she makes her mind to be master of her own life and rebels against the colorless life her family have imposed on her.
    She begins by judging them objectively, and worse, telling them exactly what she thinks, causing the Stirling clan—her family to conclude that Valancy has suddenly lost her mind.
    Facing death, Valancy is now afraid of nothing, and she has done a lot of so-called crazy things her family regards as. However, just through these so-called crazy things, Valancy changes a lot and undergoes a transformation and discovers a new world of love and happiness.
    Through the images, we can sense the change and finally the transformation of Valancy gradually. And through the images, we can also pick up three themes out from the novel. The first theme is freedom and rebirth. And the second theme is to strive for one’s own happiness. The third theme is a second chance of life. In general, imageries and symbolism play an important role in this novel, and make this novel more enchanting and fascinating.
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