
        Language anxiety is due to fear of communication failure and negative social evaluation. A large number of studies have shown that the second language acquisition has its personal factors such as anxiety, motivation, attitude, personality, learning strategies and so on and all these are the important factors that affect foreign language learning. Among them, anxiety is widely considered the most prominent factor that restricts learning process and learning task, and it is the biggest emotional disorder in foreign language communication.

        Psychologists think that anxiety is a kind of special emotion, also called mental abnormalities. It refers to the inpidual can't reach the goal in long-term or can't overcome the threat of these barriers, which frustrate their self-esteem and self-confidence. Anxiety can make a sense of nervous by improving the feeling of failure and guilt. Psychologists believe that language anxiety is different from the general sense of anxiety. It is the learners' psychological fear by using the target language. Chinese foreign language investigators have extensively studied the language learning anxiety and the results have shown that language anxiety has adverse effect on language learners. This paper will analyze the causes of language anxiety and find out the way to overcome the adverse effect, and to make it develop in a beneficial direction. 

    II. Anxiety in Cross-cultural Communication

    2.1 The Definition of Anxiety

        Anxiety, a psychological concept, is a kind of emotions caused by psychological conflict. It is a negative emotion, and for the most part it includes the feeling of fear, shame, tension, disappointment and so on. Anxiety is a kind of psychological state. It will disappear with time going by, but it may become a quality or psychological trait due to its repeated appearance. The foreign language learning anxiety is different from general anxiety because it is a unique context anxiety, which has directly related to the use of language. It is a special phenomenon of students in foreign language learning. It is produced in the process of foreign language learning. The experience is that the students will give a low evaluation to their communication ability of foreign language.

    2.2 Effects of Anxiety in Cross-cultural Communication

        For students in oral English class, anxiety can let students源Z自+优尔=文-论(文+网[www.youerw.com  produce a lot of terrible phenomena. Its negative effect is thought to “impair cognitive functioning, to disrupt memory, to lead to avoidance behaviors, and to have several other effects” (MacIntyre 85). They don't want to go to class. They always lower heads in the class because they are afraid of being asked by their teachers. They fear that teachers and classmates will laugh at them when their expression is wrong. They never take an active part in class interaction; never take the initiative to speak, and so on. In oral English, anxiety has a lot of negative effects, and it will affect the continuity of the students' oral English. In a short time, students can't make a sentence to express what they want to say, thus some students even give up performance in the class.

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