


    Abstract  The trend of globalization, information era, cultural, persity and economic changes has set the general context for Chinese educational reforms. The discrepancies between Chinese current education situations and the demands of social development have made it urgent to put forward the new curriculum standard. This paper mainly through introduces the new curriculum standard and how to promote to the persification of primary English come true. Therefore, the teacher need constantly improve themselves, and keep up with the times, and guide the teaching use the advanced concept. Make our education toward the correct direction developed.

    Key words: the new curriculum standard; English teaching in primary school; the persification of teaching methods 

    Applications of Diversified Methods for English Teaching in Primary School under the New Curriculum Standards


    When English plays the role become more and more important in nowadays society, it means the teachers’ responsibility becomes more and more important.   The teaching method in previous can not adapt to the current development trend. Under the background of new curriculum standard, the current situation of primary English teaching has the following several aspects. First, because of lack of class hours, teachers could not accomplish teaching aim and could not link junior course. Second, an apparent lack of teaching corollary equipment and of English class atmosphere is not good. Besides teachers whose teaching method is inappropriate have no enthusiasm and passion for teaching. Under the new curriculum standard, the core of primary English teaching by a variety of ways to stimulate the student’s learning interest. By changing the teachers’ teaching mode and educational idea realize the transform to students learning style, to create an autonomic learning and cooperative learning platform, thus promote students get the uttermost development. Therefore, how to conduct English persified teaching already become the key whether students can learn English well. 

       The new curriculum standard core idea is “everything is done for the student’s development”. So under the new curriculum standard the English teaching in primary school is student-centered and student’s development in an all-round way as the center, pay attention to each student’s personality development, we should use different teaching method on different students. Thereby, teachers can carry out English teaching effectively. At the same time, with the new curriculum reform step by step strengthens, English textbook revision over and over, the persification of teaching method and form has attracted more and more attention by experts and teachers. English teaching method from some kinds of settled pattern has already become perse newfangled teaching method. The persity of teaching method becomes one of an essential means that to improve teaching level of teachers.  

     There are two sources that have necessitated the innovation in Chinese basic educational curriculum. One is that the view of knowledge and discipline has not been transformed and caused deleterious results. Knowledge is "there", waiting to be discovered. For students, what they are expected to do is to accept and memorize those "discovered" knowledge. Such view has only resulted in the educational phenomena of being "book-centered", "teacher-centered", "rote-learning". People commonly accept that "curriculum is the subject" or "the sum of teaching content and process". Consequently, curriculum is totally far away from students' life world and all the above is not according to the needs of current era. The other is the reality that traditional examination-oriented education has been extremely powerful while quality-oriented education has not takes effect in practice. The former has brought about all kinds of negative results on students' integrative development and the improvement of the whole educational system. It has been criticized as the root of all abuses. This has put the issue of evaluation standard to the front.

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