
    摘要单向灌输教学模式让学生成为知识的接收器,扼杀了学生学习的主动性。英语新课程理念要求教师采用有效的交流策略, 激活学生英语学习的兴趣和热情,创造轻松活跃的课堂气氛, 以更好地实现教师主导作用和学生主体作用的统一。支架理论认为教学中教师应为学生搭建支架,以帮助他们在特定的学习情境中实现自身的主动发展。本研究采用问卷调查和访谈法,分析了当前师生交流的现状,并以支架理论为指导,探讨相关解决策略,以便更好地促进中学英语课堂师生交流。50218

    毕业论文关键词: 支架理论;中学英语;交流策略

    Abstract One-way instillation teaching method makes the students become receiver of knowledge and kills the students’ initiative of study. New curriculum reform requires teachers to use effective communication strategies, activate the students’ interest and enthusiasm in learning English, and create relaxing and active classroom environment in order to better achieve the unity of the teachers’ leading role and students’ main body role. Scaffolding theory claims that teachers need to build support for students so as to help them achieve their active development in the specific learning atmosphere. In order to promote teacher-student communication in junior English teaching, the thesis analyzes the present existing problems by using the questionnaire and interview method, and puts forward related effective strategies on the basis of scaffolding theory.

    Key words: Scaffolding theory; junior English; communication strategies


    摘 要 i

    Abstract ii

    I. Introduction 1

    II. Influencing Factors of Teacher-Student Communication 2

     2.1 Perspective of Students 2

      2.1.1 Motivation 2

      2.1.2 Inpidual Differences 3

     2.2 Perspective of Teachers 4

      2.2.1 Personality Charm 4

      2.2.2 Professional Knowledge 4

      2.2.3 Single Model 5

      2.2.4 Fair Treatment 5

     2.3 Environment Factors 6

    III. Investigation and Data Analysis 6

     4.1 Questionnaire 6

      4.1.1 Design of the Questionnaire 6

      4.1.2 Data Collection 7

      4.1.3 Result Analysis 8

     4.2 Interview with Teachers 9

    IV. Scaffolding Theory and Relative Strategies 10

     4.1 Scaffolding Theory 10

     4.2 Relative Strategies 11

      4.2.1 Stimulating Students’ interest 11

      4.2.2 Changing Teaching Concept 12

      4.2.3 Focusing on Differences and Setting up “Scaffolding” 12

      4.2.4 Creating Democratic Classroom Atmosphere 13

    V. Conclusion 13

    Bibliography 14


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