
    As a second language learning, the junior high school students attach great importance on getting useful knowledge and information from the classroom. Due to the lack of the reality of language application environment, students need to persify in the classroom practice and application of all kinds of sentence patterns in a flexible use of knowledge, and be able to properly play in different occasions. This makes them want to follow the teacher’s train of thought and listen to teachers and guidelines. On the one hand, junior high school students attach great importance on teachers’ lectures; on the other hand, there are many kinds of problems in listening behavior. The listening problems are as follows: First, the concentration is not high in class. The attention of junior high school students is limited, students will be distracted if prolonged sitting passively listening, and thus the teacher’s lectures become inefficient. At the same time, along with the increase in the number of channels of English learning in junior high school students, a variety of counseling information with the student’s desk, the teacher explained the knowledge is to be found in all kinds of teaching materials, it also left them has problems of its own behavior. A survey has found that most of the junior high school students in the classroom have slight irregularities. Secondly, the classroom knowledge screening capacity is not high. Sometimes teachers explain the knowledge is very important, but they did not give the corresponding value and teachers in reference to something “irrelevant” when they listen to with relish.

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