


    Abstract With the proceeding of reforming of College Entrance Examination and the advancing of the 12-year compulsory education system, middle school English education plays an extremely role in improving our people’s English ability and helping the students to pursue future education. By using antitheses, enumeration method, exemplification and other scientific methods, this paper has an analysis on the current situation of middle school English teaching in our country. Regarding the deficiency in middle school English teacher ‘qualities as the cutting point, the paper analyzing the exist problem on the current middle school English teaching.  At the end of this paper, it concludes the essential qualities a quantified middle school English teacher should have so that they can make greater contribution to the improvement of middle school English education. I hope this paper can raise people’s thinking deeply about the status of English teaching and make contribution to the development of English teaching in middle school.

    Key words:Current situation of English teaching in middle school; English teacher in middle school; essential qualities 

    A Study on Essential Qualities of a Qualified Middle School English Teacher


    摘 要 i

    Abstract ii

    Ⅰ Introduction 1

    Ⅱ The Current Situation of English Teaching in Middle School of China 2

    2.1 Examination-originated Teaching Method 2

    2.2 The Traditional Teaching Style 3

    2.3 Loathed Teaching 3

    2.4 Mother-tongue Type Teaching 3

    2.5 Spoon-feeding Teaching Method 4

    Ⅲ An Analysis on the Problems of Middle School Teacher in English Teaching 4

    3.1 Being Accustomed to Using Traditional Teaching Methods 4

    3.2 Paying Much Attention to “Scores” 5

    3.3 Overweigh Task on Students 5

    3.4 Using Native Language in English Teaching 5

    Ⅳ Qualities a Qualified Middle School Teacher Should Have in English Teaching 6

    4.1 Speaking English Accurately and Fluently 6

    4.2 Abundant Knowledge Reserves 7

    4.3 Flexibly Using Teaching Technique 7

    4.4 Keeping on Native Language Learning 8

    4.5 Humanism Teaching View 10

    4.6 Adapting to the New Teaching Mode 11

    4.7 Drawing on Others Successful Teaching Experience 12

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