

    Ⅱ.The Research of Traditional Teaching Methods in Junior Middle English Classroom


    2.1 Necessity of Getting Rid of Traditional Teaching Methods

    United Nations Educational Scientific and Culture Organization (UNESCO) published a report in 1972: Learning to Be: The world of education today and tomorrow, which referred to as the “Faure Report”. It is proposed that “the future of illiteracy no longer is illiterate people, but not learn how to learn; learning does not to score, nor to knowledge and learning, more important is to learn to learn.” Irina Bokova asked directly in the Preamble of the report: “What kind of education we need in the 21st century? What is the purpose of education under the background of the current social change? And how to organize learning?” She then wrote: “I am convinced, today we need of education once again to make a forward-looking thinking.”

    In the 21st century, learning becomes a popular base means to maintain personal survival whose aim is to make students have an all-round development. Under the background of New Curriculum Standards, the traditional English classroom “injection and single type, test-based” characteristics have significant disadvantages both for students and teachers.

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