    Structure of the Thesis 2

    2. Literature Review 3

    2.1 Researches on Teacher Talk in China and Abroad 3

    2.2 Types of Teacher Verbal Feedback 3

    2.3 Researches on Teacher verbal feedback in China and Abroad 6

    2.3.1 Researches on Teacher Verbal Feedback Abroad 6

    2.3.2 Researches on Teacher Verbal Feedback in China 7

    2.4 Comparative Studies on Experienced and Pre-service teacher 8

    3. Research Design 10

    3.1 Research Questions 10

    3.2 Subjects 10

    3.3 Instruments 10

    4. The Result and Discussion of the Research 12

    4.1 Analysis on Classroom Observation and Recording 12

    4.2 Analysis on Teacher Interview 19

    4.3 Major Findings 20

    5. Conclusion 22

    References 23

    Appendix 25

    1. Introduction

    1.1 Research Background

    Over the years, there has been a lot of interest in the language used in the classroom. ESL (English as a second language) classroom is a distinctive context where classroom teaching and learning as well as second language acquisition take place. Teacher talk is the language used by teacher to organize and manage the teaching process in class, which, to some degree, is the only language input that has profound impact upon student’s English study. 

    Second language acquisition researchers have realized the importance of teacher talk in English class and showed great concern for it since the 1970s. From then on, there are various studies of teacher talk emerging. As researches deepen gradually, feedback as an important part of teacher talk also draw researchers’ attention. The main topic and problem that researchers want to talk about is to figure out the relationship between teacher feedback and students’ second language acquisition. Chaudron (1988) has classified four aspects of the influence.

    Recent years, some domestic studies have focused on discussing the distinction between different teachers and done some comparative studies on experienced and pre-service teacher. It is known that the feedback styles vary from teacher to teacher and moreover, experienced teachers differ from pre-service or inexperienced teachers in significant way (Berliner, 1987), but studies on comparison of experienced and pre-service teacher in the aspect of teachers’ verbal feedback are rare. 

    Therefore, it is important to find the answer to these questions about English teachers’ general perceptions of teachers’ feedback in present English classroom and differences and similarities between experienced and pre-service English teachers in terms of feedback functions, content and presentation. In order to answer these questions, classroom observation is needed.

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