
    Abstract In the background of the new curriculum reform and higher and higher requirements of the society towards students’ comprehensive ability to use English, more researchers begin to study the textbooks. Multimodal Discourse Analysis of the textbook sprang up from the 1990s among the western country, and in this century, increasing numbers of linguistics in China started establishing researched in this field. This study aims to explore the PEP textbooks for primary school students in the perspectives of Multimodal Discourse Analysis. Based on Kress and Van Leeuwen’ s (1995)framework of visual grammar and Janet Jones theory of Multimodal Content Analysis, this thesis is conducted to a description analysis of various modalities adopted in the textbook and try to find out the relations of different modalities in the meaning- making process. Taking the primary school English book of PEP edition book 5 as an example, we organized this study with the following steps. Firstly, conduct search and sort resources. A Preliminary Statistic Analysis will be take to feature out the exactly classes of modality that the textbook contains. Moreover, this study discussed how these different modalities work together to convey meaning by analysis each semiotics in the textbook we study. At last, we will give some considerable suggestions according to the descriptive distributive analysis. 51926

    Key words: Multimodal Discourse Analysis; textbook; Visual Grammar; Janet Jones;

    Multimodal Content Analysis


    摘 要伴随着新课程改革的推进以及社会对外语人才的综合运用能力要求的不断提高,英语教材也随之发生巨大的改变。新课程改革之后的新课本明显呈现更加鲜明的多模态化,声音,图像,颜色,文字等不同的模态在意义构架的过程中起了不可或缺的作用。教科书不再呈现文本为主,其他模态为辅的状态。 这也给教科书的文本分析带来了新的契机。多模态话语分析始于上世纪90年代末期,越来越多的中国学者在本世纪也开始加入多模态领域的研究,然而目前我国的多模态话语分析大多停留在对广告,电影等影视作品的研究上。本文主要在Kress 和 Van Leeuwen在功能语言学的基础上创建的视觉语法体系和Janet Jones 所用的多模态文本分类的方法对人教版小学四年级下册进行描述性分析。本文主要对本册教科书中出现较多的视觉模态和文本模态进行图像类型,排版,字体等多方面的分析,来考察不同模态在意义构建中的协同作用。由此为现实教学提供一些启示。



    1. Introduction 1

    2. Literature Review 2

    3. Data collection of this study 4

    3.1 objects of study 4

    3.2 Contents 4

    3.3 Methodology 4

    3.3.1 Documentary method 4

    3.3.2 Janet Jones’ Multimodal Content Analysis 4

    3.3.3 Visual Grammar 5

    4. Data analysis and discussion 6

    4.1 Types of visuals 6

    4.1.1 Representational meaning 7

    4.1.2 Interactive meaning. 8

    4.2 Location 9

    4.2.1 Value of information

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