    摘要美国作家亨利•大卫•梭罗的代表作品《瓦尔登湖》,不仅高度凝结了梭罗毕生的生态智慧及人生哲学,同时它也将会对唤起人们的生态意识起到重要的促进作用。随着生态危机的日益严重,对《瓦尔登湖》中所体现的生态思想进行全面、系统、深刻的阐述具有十分重要的意义。    通过对作品文本和大量有关生态伦理学资料的分析研究,本文试图运用生态伦理学的相关理念对梭罗的《瓦尔登湖》进行深层次的剖析,以揭示作者在该作品中所体现的生态思想,从而为读者提供一个崭新的解读该作品的视角,对认识当前日益严重的生态危机具有重要的启示意义。
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Thoreau and His Accomplishments    2
    2.1 Henry David Thoreau    2
    2.2 An Introduction to Walden    3
    III. Ecological Thoughts in Walden    5
    3.1 An Overview of Ecological Ethics    5
    3.2 Human in Harmony with Nature    6
    3.3 Simple and Meaningful Life    8
    IV. The Significance of Walden    10
    4.1 Raising Environmental Awareness    10
    4.2 Ideas for Sustainable Development    11
    V. Conclusion    13
    Bibliography    15
    Acknowledgements    16 Abstract
    Walden, the representative work of American writer Henry David Thoreau, not only reflects the ecological wisdom and life philosophy, but contributes greatly to the awakening of people’s ecological awareness. With the ecological crisis worsening, elaborating and interpreting the ecological thoughts in Walden systematically and comprehensively holds practical significance.
    This paper intends to give an ecological ethics study of Walden through reading the text from the way of eco-criticism, probing the profound ecological implications reflected in this work. Through an analysis of the ecological thoughts, this paper intends to help awaken the ecological consciousness, to make people aware of the serious living situation and the necessity of caring about the earth in ecological crisis.
    Key words: Walden; ecological crisis; ecological thoughts; ecological ethics
    A Brief Analysis of Ecological Thoughts in Walden
    I. Introduction
     Henry David Thoreau is one of the most famous writers in American literary history. Today his name is synonymous with nature all over the world because of his in-depth study and influence on the relationship between human and nature. With the help of his ecological thoughts, more and more people begin to pay attention to the environment.
    With the coming of the global environmental crisis and the rise of various environmental movements, Thoreau’s philosophy and his view of simple life begins to draw the public’s attention, for his works depict the relationship between the beauty of nature and concerned human-nature. Ever since then, his works have been widely read not just in America but all over the world.
    Early in 1964, professor Leo Marx of Massachusetts Institute of Technology found out the issue between nature and modern technology reflected in Thoreau’s works. In his book The Machine in the Garden: Technology and the Pastoral Ideal in America, he stated that Thoreau’s works embody the Western tradition of ecological thoughts. Another book titled Nature’s Economy: A History of Ecological Ideals, discussed the beginning and development of ecology. The second part of this book, titled A Subversive Discipline: Thoreau’s Romantic Ecology, introduced Thoreau’s ecological thoughts in detail. In the second part of the American scholar Roderick Nash’s The Rights of Nature: A History of Environmental Ethics published in 1987, influences of Thoreau and his ecological ethics were analyzed. In 2000, Joel Myerson compiled The Cambridge Companion to Henry David Thoreau, providing the European scholars’ latest research achievements of Thoreau, especially strategies for reading the works of Thoreau. In China, Walden was the first essay translated into Chinese by Xu Chi. And until now, most people who studied Walden still regard this book as the model for calligraphy. In 1991, the Tai Wan scholar Chen Changfang published his book Thoreau and China. In this book, he analyzed Thoreau’s book with the thought of Confucianism and Taoism, revealing Thoreau’s appreciation and esteem for Chinese culture. Along with the further research, scholars will have a deeper understanding of Thoreau and Walden.
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