
    Love and Lust ——Pride and Prejudice Abstract The novel Pride and Prejudice is a one of Jane Austen’s masterpieces which shows Jane’s personal opinions towards marriage. In this famous novel, the author tells people that property is one of the main factors in marriage in the 18th century of England, which is connected with contemporary social environment. Another essential factor is social status which is decided by social traditional values. In addition, women’s status is socially inferior to men’s and not a few women can only regard marriage as the most significant thing in their whole lives. So in this paper, the writer will conclude some right martial values suitable for modern society, through analyzing and comparing five different marriages in the novel, to build a guide for modern young generation to have a correct value orientation.52868

    Keywords: marriage; property; values




    1. Introduction 1

    2. The lust for property and reputation in marriage 4

    2.1 In the novel 4

    2.2 In the modern society 4

    2.3 The problems lust causes and solutions 5

    3. The lust for sex and appearance in marriage 6

    3.1 In the novel 6

    3.2 In the modern society 6

    3.3 The problems lust causes and solutions 7

    4. The love for personality and knowledge in marriage 8

    4.1 The love between Jane and Bingley 8

    4.2 The love between Elizabeth and Darcy 8

    4.3 The love in modern society 9  

    5. Expectations for ideal marriage 10

    5.1 In physical appearance 10

    5.2 In knowledge level 10

    6. Conclusion 11

    Notes 12

    References 12

    1. Introduction

    Jane Austen is one of the greatest literary masters in the English novel history. She is a talented British novelist, whose works made her one of the most famous and beloved writers in English literature [1]. She is the founder of the novel which deals with unimportant middle-class people and of which there are many fine examples in latter English fiction [2]. Virginia Woolf called Austen “the most perfect artist among women”.

    Austen concentrates on middle-class village life with humor and understanding. She writes about typical people’s daily life which gives the English novel its first distinctly modern character [3], such as the clergy, the old maids, the short-sighted mothers, the marriageable daughters and other people that figure in provincial life [3]. In all her novels the love stories of young people, although serious and sympathetic, is subdued by humor to the ordinary plane of emotion on which most of us live [3]. Her best-known works include Pride and Prejudice (1813) and Emma (1816). Pride and Prejudice is fascinating to all its readers, no matter when and where. It’s always near the top of lists of “most loved books”. And of course, it has become one of the most popular novels in English literature. This masterpiece tells a story happened in a small village, Longbourn. It’s about Mr. and Mrs. Bennet’s five marriageable daughters and two young single rich men, Mr. Bingley and Mr. Darcy. After moving into the Netherfield Park, as Bennet’s neighborhood, Mr. Bingley falls in love with the eldest Bennet daughter, beautiful Jane immediately while Mr. Darcy has some trouble to adapt to local lower-class society and frequently conflicts with the second Bennet daughter, witty Elizabeth. Their relationship starts from dislike, but Mr. Darcy gradually becomes intrigued by Elizabeth’s mind and spirit, and Elizabeth also realizes how kind and honorable Mr. Darcy is. Both of them finally begin to love each other. All in all, these two ideal loving relationships, interweaving with several unfavorable marriages and some misunderstanding, finally come to a perfectly happy ending. 源`自,优尔`.论"文'网[www.youerw.com

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