    Abstract In 1951, J.D. Salinger published his best known novel, The Catcher in the Rye. It was an immediate success. Although never confirmed by Salinger himself, several of the events in the novel are semi-autobiographical. The novel was banned in some countries, and some U.S. scholars and parents prohibited children from reading the novel, because of its bold and offensive use of language. Nevertheless, widespread successful criticism made the novel spread so far and established Salinger’s reputation.
    The novel reflects the inner conflicts of American adolescents after World War Ⅱ and has great influences on American. It tells an extremely simple story of three days wandering life in New York City of Holden Caulfield, a confused young man with discomfort feelings to the adult world, leaving the readers ultimate spiritual insights. Even today, the book, as a modern classic, is still widely read, particularly in the United States, where it is considered an authoritative depiction of teenage angst.
    This paper intends to analysis the psychological feature rebellion of adolescents from society, family and psychology. Through the typical character, rebellion, to find the sources and behaviors it leads to. And after these rebellious actions, how young people get to the epiphany during their growth. Holden is the representative, his emotions and monologue can clearly tell about the symptoms of adolescents. Holden is such an adolescent whose trouble is caused by all kinds of social pressure. He has a sharp conflict with the ‘phony’ American society. What’s more, the little love from school and family is also one reason to cause him feel lonely and desperate.
    Eventually, through the protagonist’s sudden realization, the author points out a therapy for the adolescents who are suffering the psychological trouble. That is they should face the reality in a correct attitude, experience the life actively, struggle to pursuit the essence of life and the perfection of personality.
    Key words: adolescents, rebellion, growth, epiphany
    Acknowledgment    ⅰ
    Abstract    ⅱ
    摘要    ⅲ

    1 Introduction    1
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