
    Abstract This thesis aims to study religious tinge in Journey to the west from the fairy-tale language characteristic.

    As a fairy-tale novel, the language in Journey to the west is full of fairy-tale color. Wu Chengen uses a humorous method to state his whole attitude towards that time and to reflect religious tinge of Ming dynasty. As a confucianist, his Confucianism thoughts must leave some trail in his work and he maintains feudalism ethics morals in his work. At the same time, the thoughts of Wu Chengen are complex, and this is reflected by his complicated religious thoughts. In Journey to the west, we can notice that Wu Chengen criticizes Taoism and satires Buddhism.53210

    Keywords: Journey to the west; fairy-tale; language characteristic; religious tinge    




    1. Introduction 1

    2. Literature review 2

    2.1 Languages characteristics in Journey to the west 2

    2.2 Religious tinge in Journey to the west 3

    3. Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism from the fairy-tale language characteristics in Journey to the west 6

    3.1 The Buddhism reflected in Journey to the west 6

    3.2 The Taoist characteristics reflected in Journey to the west 9

    3.3 Confucianism reflected in Journey to the west 11

    4. Reasons analysis 13

    4.1 Historical background 13

    4.2 The author’s psychology and emotion 14

    5. Conclusion 16

    Works Cited 18

     1. Introduction

    Written by Wu Chengen of Ming dynasty, Journey to the west is one of four Chinese great classical novels, telling about a story of adventure. Till now, many researches about Journey to the west have been published, and these researches give us great help to understand Journey to the west. Researches about the work cover many aspects. For example, Lu xun and Hu shi focus on the problem of the source of Sun wukong, and many other scholars, such as Yuan yulin, make great efforts on Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism in the work. However, among these studies, few people analyze the religious tinge from the fairy-tale language characteristics. They do not connect language characteristic to the religions in the work. They do not see the elements in the work as a whole. 

    As a fairy-tale novel, the language of the work is full of fairy-tale characteristic. Wu Chengen uses a humorous method to state his whole attitude towards that time and reflect religious tinge of Ming dynasty. As a confucianist, his Confucianism thoughts must leave some trail in his work and he maintained feudalism ethics morals in his work. At the same time, the thoughts of Wu Chengen are complex, and this is reflected by his complicated religious thoughts. In Journey to the west, we can notice that Wu Chengen criticizes Taoism and satires Buddhism. 

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