
    1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Study源'自:优尔]'论-文'网"]www.youerw.com

    As one of the outstanding writers in contemporary Chinese literature, Mo Yan has captured more and more people’s attention in recent years. Therefore, a large number of scholars and critics spend plenty of time on the research on Mo Yan and his works. We can find that there are so many articles on the writing style and techniques of his works, but litter attention is paid to the translation of his works. So in this paper, the author lays emphasis on the study of translation, taking Hong Gao Liang Jia Zu for example.

    Famous sinologist Howard Goldblatt is the translator of Hong Gao Liang Jia Zu. His English version Red Sorghum is a great success. Nevertheless, we can find the translated version has a lot of rewriting phenomena. The translation is not exactly equivalent or faithful to the source text. There are two papers on his translation thoughts, including Wen Jun’s A Probe into Howard Goldblatt’s Translation Thoughts(Wen Jun,2007),Howard Goldblatt: To Read in Chinese and to Write in English(Zhang Yaoping,2005). As the most outstanding translator from Chinese to English, these researches are absolutely not enough. Hence, the author is intended to make an attempt to compare and analyze the source text and the target text in an integrated and systematical approach in order to find out the rewritings in Red Sorghum.

  1. 上一篇:从认知隐喻角度看英语商标翻译
  2. 下一篇:从异化和归化角度看红楼梦称谓语翻译
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