摘 要人们把“忠实和通顺”当做翻译的首要原则和标准,把译文对原文的信息和形式的偏离视为误译。然而,英汉两种语言在结构和文化方面大有不同,所以英汉翻译之间的完全对等是不存在的, 误译是不可避免的。误译真实地体现了不同文化之间的差异与碰撞, 对不同的文化之间的交流和理解起着重要作用, 因此有着特殊的研究价值。理解错误, 表达不贴切,文化背景的缺乏是常见的三个误译来源。翻译中最严重的错误,往往不是因为语言表达不当造成的,而是因为错误的文化预设所导致。同时在翻译过程中,我们也不时发现有意误译的现象。有意误译与作者的目的及接受国的文化环境有密切关系。如果不对源语和目的语之间的文化给予恰当的处理, 就不会有成功的译文。为了减少误译的产生,促进文化交流,本文从语言,文化与翻译三者之间的关系对误译进行了探索性的研究。
    关键词:文化差异;翻译;误译;翻译标准Abstract  7722
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Definition of Culture    2
    Ⅲ. The Features of Culture and Classifications of Culture    4
    IV. Mistranslation and Cultural Mistranslation    5
    4.1 Sources of Cultural Mistranslation    6
    4.2 Unintentional Cultural Mistranslation and Intentional Cultural Mistranslation    7
    4.2.1 Unintentional Cultural Mistranslation    7
    4.2.2 Intentional Cultural Mistranslation    9
    4.3 Cultural Factors Resulting in Cultural Mistranslations    10
    4.3.1 Cultural Gap    10
    4.3.2 Cultural Presuppositions    11
    4.4 Significance on Studying Cultural Mistranslation    14
    Ⅴ.Conclusion    14
    Bibliography    16
    Acknowledgements    17“Faithfulness and expressiveness” have always been regarded as the primary principle and criterion by people, and the deviation from the original form and content has been seen as mistranslation. However, there are many differences in linguistic structure and culture between English and Chinese, so absolute fidelity is impossible and mistranslation is inevitable. Mistranslations which embody factually the collisions and distortions of the two languages and cultures promote the communication and understanding of different cultures, so it’s of special significance to explore mistranslations. There are three resources normally resulting in mistranslations, including incorrect comprehension, expressive defects and lack of social cultural background. The most serious mistakes in translating and interpreting are usually not the result of verbal inadequacy, but of wrong cultural assumptions. In addition, intentional mistranslations can also be found in translation process. Deliberate mistranslations are closely connected with the receptor’s cultural environment. Without properly dealing with the differences between source culture and target culture, any text can hardly be successfully translated. In order to reduce mistranslations and promote cross-cultural communications, this thesis explores the inter-relation of language, culture and translation.
    Key words: cultural differences; translation; mistranslation; translation principle
     Cultural Differences and Mistranslations between English and Chinese
    I. Introduction

     Translation, in its essence, is intercultural communication, so the ultimate purpose of translation is to promote the cross-cultural exchange, and it is not only the switch of two languages but also the communication between two cultures. However, translators may find that absolute fidelity is impossible. Mistranslation unavoidably penetrates human being’s translation activity through all eras. As far as Chinese and English is concerned, the differences in value, religion, historical background and natural environment etc. have caused culture difference which leads to great difficulty for translation. Even though the translator understands the sources very well, mistranslation exists all the same.
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