
    4.5 Free Translation 14

    5. Discussion 16

    6. Conclusion 17

    6.1 Majoring Findings 17

    6.2 Limitations and Suggestions for Future Studies 17

    Works Cited 19

    1. Introduction1.1 Stimulus of the Research

         Nowadays, more and more foreign friends are willing to be ardent readers of Chinese novels. Swear words, as a part of linguistic entity, have been studied as a linguistic phenomenon recently. In most English versions of previous Chinese works, little attention has been paid to swear words, and many translation problems, even total loss of original meaning can be found easily in literary works. The vulgarization in literary works is becoming a trend. Swear words, which are considered as taboos, come to the fore since 1980. Swear words used in literary works can manifest personality. Different kinds of swear words can be found in literary works in various ways. Even the dialects in different regions are used frequently in some literary works.  Swear words in literary works can vividly reflect the typical traits of personality; in addition, they can help promote the progress of the plot. So the translation of swear words by linguistic scholars is an urgent topic that indispensably calls for an in-depth study.1.2 Research Purpose and Significance源'自:优尔`!论~文'网www.youerw.com

        People all around the world pay more attention to Chinese literature nowadays, especially the writer Mo Yan. His works are popular among the westerners. Swear words are easily found in Mo Yan’s works. So in order to let readers understand the connotation of his works, it is indispensable to study swear words and their rendition.

         An analysis of analyze translation theories and translation skills may help in letting the reader-writer communication go smoothly. Besides, there are not many systematic and specific studies in swear words, so this thesis takes Mo Yan’s The Republic of Wine as an example to study the swear words translation. Chinese swear words are not only delicacies but also a carrier of Chinese tradition and culture. So the translating of swear words is not merely a process of literary rendering, but rather transmission of the culture-loaded tradition. A study on translating Chinese swear words contributes significantly in both theoretical and practical ways. This Thesis aims to study the translation of the swear words in The Republic of Wine under the framework of Functionalist approaches to translation based on its English version. The analysis of problems existing in rendition can give the translator insights into how to improve the quality of translating swear words.

  1. 上一篇:试分析两种婚姻的差异以薛宝钗和夏洛特为例
  2. 下一篇:浅析《了不起的盖茨比》中盖茨比的爱情悲剧
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