
    Abstract With the development of the educational reform, the traditional English teaching aids in middle school can no longer keep up with the trend. In this case, CAI is put in an important place in English teaching in middle school. And as to English teaching in middle school, reading teaching still plays a critical role which can cultivate and improve students’ comprehension of English texts. By using computer assisted instruction, teachers can show the texts, graphics, images, animations and sounds visually and vividly to the students,which makes the lesson more interesting and easier to understand. Although CAI gradually becomes a good choice, some problems still exist in teaching procedure. Taking the ‘The Story of Xi Wang’ (8AU5 Oxford English) as a model of reading teaching, this thesis attempts to explore the use of CAI in each step of TBLT in detail and discuss the advantages of CAI in reading teaching. At the end of the thesis, some useful suggestion for teachers and students are presented. 54407

    Keywords: reading teaching; CAI; TBLT; suggestion

    摘要随着教育改革的发展,传统的初中英语教学模式已经落后于潮流。现今的初中英语教学把计算机辅助教学放在一个重要位置。同时,阅读教学仍是教学中非常关键的,它能够培养并且提高学生对文章的理解力。通过计算机辅助教学,教师能将教育信息的图像、声音、图表、文字等同时形象地、生动地、直观地呈现在教学中,使得阅读教学对学生来说更加有趣并且容易接受。尽管计算机辅助教学逐步成为一个很好的选择,但是在其具体运用时还是会出现一些问题。本文以“The Story of Xi Wang”(8AU5 牛津英语)为例,具体分析了英语阅读教学中任务型教学的步骤,探究了计算机辅助教学在其中的运用,探讨了CAI给阅读教学带来的优点。据此对教师以及学生如何有效运用多媒体,以便使它更好地为中学英语教学服务给出了一定的启示和建议。



    1. Introduction1

    2. Literature Review 2

    3. The Application of CAI in Reading Teaching in the Middle School from the Perspective of TBLT 3

    3.1 The Application of CAI in Pre-task Activities ...4

    3.2 The Application of CAI in While-task Activities ....5

    3.3 The Application of CAI in Post-task Activities ...7

    4. Suggestion for Teaching Process ...8

    4.1 Suggestion for Teachers .9

    4.2 Suggestion for Students ........11  5. Conclusion ..12

    Works Cited ...13

    1. Introduction 

    As we all know, the use of computer technology in English teaching has been a common phenomenon in modern times. English teachers in middle schools always pay most attention to reading which contains: purpose, principles and content. Now, this kind of English lesson is required to create more chances for students to practice English by providing more texts, pictures, images, videos and audio materials. However, we know that it is hard to reach these requirements with traditional teaching methods. Teaching English with the help of computer is a good way to solve this problem. 

    In an era when computer sciences have been widely used, there are so many terms created, not all of which can accurately describe features of this trend. CAI, which is a narrower term, refers to drill-and-practice, tutorial, or simulation activities offered either by themselves or as supplements to traditional, teacher-directed instruction is the best definition (Cotton & Wikelund, 1992). This system includes Hardware, Software and Courseware, and it goes through 5 steps, which is led by America. And, the terms, such as Computer Aided Language Instruction, Computer Assisted Language Instruction, Computer Based Instruction and Computer Assisted Language Learning, are synonymous with CAI.源'自:优尔`!论~文'网www.youerw.com

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