
    Abstract Situational context is an effective way to active classroom atmosphere,which can arouse student’s interest in English learning. At present there is, however, a major concern of Chinese students’ poor oral English owing to the lack of environment and application. Based on constructivist learning theory and Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, this paper studies the problems existed in the creation of situational context in primary English class and explores the methods to establish various kinds of environment. Teachers are expected to use the ways which are introduced in this paper to create situational context to improve teaching effects.54466

    Key words: primary English; situational context; creation




    1. Introduction 1

    2. Literature Review . 1

    2.1 Previous Studies of Context in the West 12

    2.2 Previous Studies of Context in China 2

    3. The Theoretical Basis for Situational Context Creation in Primary English Class 2

    3.1 Constructivist Learning Theory and Situational Context 2

    3.2 Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development and Situational Context 3

    4. Problems on the Creation of Situational Context in Primary English Class 4

    4.1 Setting up Multiple Situational Context with Little Correlation 4

    4.2 Teaching Words in Isolation 5

    4.3 Using the MultimediaTeaching Courseware Improperly 5

    4.4 Providing Insufficient Support when Students Do Activities 7

    5. Ways to Create Situational Context in Primary English Class 6

    5.1 Creating Situational Context Contacting the Actual Life 6

    5.2 Teaching Words in Relevant Situational Context 8

    5.3 Applying Multimedia Appropriately to English Teaching 8

    5.4 Scaffolding English Classroom Activities 9

    6. Significance of Situational Context Creation to English Teaching 11

    6.1 Arousing the Pupils’ Interest in Learning English 11

    6.2 Activating the Atmosphere of Class 11

    6.3 Cultivating Pupils’ Practical Abilities of Using English 11

    6.4 Reducing the Difficulty of Teaching 12

    7. Conclusion 12

    Works Cited 14

    Appendix 14

    1. Introduction

    Context is the background knowledge and the specific environment used in language or a dialogue. Once language breaks away from context, it will just become some text symbols. Situational context is created through the combination of teaching background, teaching scene and the teaching activities. Obviously, the application of situational context makes it easier for the learners to achieve the teaching goals. It is advocated that we should learn knowledge in certain kinds of context. The context learning means that learners should grasp knowledge in the process of related situational context with the guidance of teaching objectives. Training students' language skills in the context of communication would be helpful to the development of students' comprehensive ability of using language. But in the current primary school English teaching, the lack of classroom context does exist. Especially many English teachers themselves were taught by the English teaching methods lack of context, so for them to create situational context is a great challenge. With the reforms in English teaching, some English teachers have begun to try out consciously with various ways to create situational context for students and encourage students to use English to express in classroom activities, but there are still some problems in the actual teaching process. This article mainly expounds how to solve these problems and tries to explore the significance of situational context creation to English teaching.

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