
    4. Social Problems Reflected in Three Idiots源'自:优尔`!论~文'网www.youerw.com

    India, as a country with ancient civilization, has experienced different historical periods. In 1857, it was conquered by British. From then on, it was a colony of Britain. It was not until 1947 that the India became independent. After its independence, India has gradually developed on the open road, whose democracy has also been elevated greatly. However, it still keeps traditions under the long-term effects of bureaucracy, colonial rule and semifeudal ideology infused before, which have profound impacts on Indian society then and today. 

    4.1 Malpractices of the Traditional Education in India 

    We all know that India has been a learning center since ancient times when the great scholars disseminate knowledge by oral teaching. Later, during the period of British colonization, India’s education was infused with distinctive European features. After its independence, its education became more and more religious and practical. Now great achievements have been made in the educational field, but there still exists serious problems when it comes to India’s traditional education. 

    4.1.1 Examination-oriented Education System

    Examination-oriented education system refers to a kind of educational thought or behavior, which has deviated from the needs of social development and violated the law of somatopsychic development. Examination ranks first in this system. (Dong Caihua, 2013: 47) The students’ abilities have been severely limited when it comes to its education model and ways of teaching. For example, in this film, there are 42 exams per semester including tests and quiz. In order to pass the exams, the students have to repeat and remember the materials again and again just like machines.

  1. 上一篇:浅析宗教文化对翻译的影响及翻译策略
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