
    Abstract Jack London is an important writer in American literary history, whose novel White Fang is well known for its special writing style and distinctive character features. In the book, Jack London describes the two different personalities of people who living in the different geographical environments and the transformation of White Fang’s personalities with the changes of humanistic environment. Wildness is sharpened by the cold northern land and the humanity is wakened in the warm southern land. By analyzing the two different personalities of people and giving a research to the transformation of White Fang’s personalities under different owners, the thesis will study the different environments and make a deeper research to the functions of environment on the personalities.54809

    Keywords: White Fang; humanity; wildness; different environments;personalities




    1.  Introduction 1

    1.1 A Brief Introduction about the Author and the Novel 1

    1.2 A Brief Introduction about the Environmental Effect 1

    2.  Literature Review 2

    3. The Deep Influence of Different Geographical Environments on the Formation of People’s Personalities 3

    3.1 Wildness:An Analysis of the North People like Gray Beaver and Beauty Smith 5

    3.2 Humanity:An Analysis of the South People like Weedon Scott 6

    4. The Deep Influence of Different Humanistic Environments on the Formation of White Fang’s Characters 7

    4.1 Wildness:An Analysis of White Fang’s Characters in the Early Stage 8

    4.2 Humanity:An Analysis of White Fang’s Characters in the Later Stage 9

    5. Conclusion 10

    Works Cited 12

    1. Introduction 

    1.1 A Brief Introduction about the Author and the Novel

    Jack London was born on January 12, 1876 in San Francisco. Although London had his great aim of studying, he had no chance to study in the school for his dream because of his poor family. He was essentially self-educated. On July 12, 1897, London and his sister's husband Captain Shepard sailed to join the Klondike Gold Rush. This is the setting for some of his first successful stories. “It was in the Klondike I found myself. There nobody talks, everyone thinks. You get your true perspective. I got mine.” (Deane, 1968: 7)

    Like other great writers, London wrote about life as he saw. The majority of his works about men and animals against the environment and survival against hardships were drawn mainly from his own experience. He passed his childhood in poverty in the Oakland slums so that he got known how the poor battled to live. His years in the Klondike searching for gold also left their mark in his novels. 

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