    Abstract The child has an innate advantage in language acquisition. Critical Period Hypothesis (CPH) holds the view that the advantage of biological function works successfully only during a specific and limited age period. Since the launching of the hypothesis, various linguists have different opinions on several issues of language acquisition based on different researches. However, so far there has not been consensus on this matter in terms of the positive and negative views on CPH.  
    This dissertation includes five parts: 1. research introduction, 2. literature review, 3. the controversies about CPH, 4. the EL reappraisal of CPH and 5. conclusion. Based on the thorough review and description of CPH, the paper combs the main controversies and obstacles of the hypothesis, and carefully annotates the precondition of CPH from the theory-practice features of EL: The significance of educational cultural factors. After the analysis of social educational elements about CPH, the paper presents the statement that: the trans-disciplinary features and the focus on social cultural factors make EL a suitable field for more rational and scientific explanations of CPH, as well as for providing new dynamic knowledge and implication in the world of child language acquisition, second language acquisition and foreign language teaching.     
    Key words: child language acquisition, Critical Period Hypothesis, Educational Linguistics
    摘要 儿童在语言习得的过程中具有先天优势。关键期假说认为儿童习得语言的先天生理功能优势仅限于一个特定的有限的年龄阶段。自关键期假说提出后,语言学者基于不同研究在语言习得领域的诸多方面提出了不同的观点,然而关于关键期假说的向背至今尚未达成共识。7863
     关键词: 儿童语言习得,关键期假说,教育语言学
    Acknowledgments    i
    Abstract    ii
    摘要    iii

    1 Introduction    1

    2 Literature Review    2
    2.1 Critical Period Hypothesis    2
    2.2 Educational Linguistics    3
    2.3 The Integration of the Views    4

    3 The Controversies about CPH in Second Language Acquisition    5
    3.1 Scholars and Their Theories that Support CPH    5
    3.2 Scholars and Their Theories that Oppose CPH    6
    3.3 Doubtful Views Left by Controversies    7
    3.3.1 Biological or Non-Biological Factors :The Determinants of Language Acquisition    7
    3.3.2 Educational or Linguistic Factors: The Social Influence of Language Acquisition    8

    4 Reappraisal of CPH from the Perspective of EL    10
    4.1 The Natures of EL    10
    4.2 The Educational Elements in CPH    13
    4.2.1 EL and School Education    13
    4.2.2 EL and Sociocultural Environment    15

    5 Conclusions    17
    5.1 EL Views on CPH    17
    5.2 Suggestions on Child Language Education    18
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