
        Table manners in western countries originated in Roman Tam Dynasty, France. It formulated a series of etiquette because of the inspiration of the Byzantine Culture. At the time of the Rome Empire of Charlemagne, the table etiquette became more complex and even autocratic. European table manners evolved from chivalry. Today, the table manners continue handing down to generations in European countries. In western countries, if you go to a friend’s home for a visit, you should wear decent clothes and send appropriate gifts.

    4. Differences between Chinese and Western Table Etiquette 

    “Social customs differ greatly from one country to another. It is therefore impossible to give guidelines that are universally applicable. Generally speaking, you should act naturally, always remaining friendly, courteous, and dignified.” (Qian Qing, 2006:23 ) As we all know, there are many manners when we are doing things. For example, when we are attending a meeting, we should turn off the mobile phones or turn them to silent. There are also many manners when we are dining. Manner is a code of conduct and guidelines for social activities. It is related to everyone’s image-building and personality-displaying. Table manner, as its name implies, is the preparations and etiquette that people must do while they are having dinners. Eating is not only a way to meet the basic physiological need, but also the first important function to show one’s social experience to others. Different cultures observe different rules for table manners.     

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