
    Advertisement translation is different from any other kinds of documentary translation because of its promotional and commercial purpose. Sales performance may be greatly influenced by the translation version of the brand names. So it is especially momentous for translators to spare no effort to grasp the basic culture of the target country. Certainly, different nations have their own traditional conventions, historical background, values and taboos. Perhaps the language form which generates relative association in one kind of culture can’t bring the same meaning in the other, even creates the opposite connotation, this is what translators must give priority to, otherwise, it is inevitable to produce a sequence of side-effects, many consumers shall be confused with the translation version and can’t help laughing at the sight of it. In the following part, the author lists some mistakes that translators have made. 

    Advertisement 1 : 接天下客,送万里情

    The first translation version: We pick up guests from all over the world. 

    The second translation version: We’ll offer you comfort all the way.

    The third translation version: Your satisfaction is our destination.

    Let’s analyze the three translation versions attentively. In light of the semantic aspect, the first translation is completely in accordance with the original advertisement, but it is too rigid to be communicative. Briefly speaking, the second translation version is better than the first, but a little bit worse than the third. The third must be the most popular among consumers, the reasons are as follows. At first, it takes full advantage of the rhetorical device---rhyme and reads catchy extremely, in addition, it gives full play to pleasurable expression to customers’ feelings thoroughly. Briefly speaking, vast majority of people are keen on communicative automobile advertisements.

    Advertisement 2: The only thing we did not improve was the road.  (Nissan)

    The first translation version :我们唯一没有改变的就是道路

    The second translation version : 万事俱备,只看路况 

    The first translation version is just faithful to the original advertisement, but there is difficulty in leaving deep impression on mass. Nevertheless, the second translation version adopts the adaptation of a well-known Chinese proverb “万事俱备,只欠东风” successfully, it is assured that the quality and performance of Nissan car is well guaranteed. Chinese people are interested in four-character idiom by instinct, it should go without saying that they will find automobile advertisements with four-character idiom satisfactory, because these advertisements are filled with Chinese flavor and are not alien to the taste of public.

    The author has listed two common problems in the translating of automobile advertisements, so it will focus on the analysis of the problems. Besides, the linguistic features of automobile advertisements are also involved in this part. 

  1. 上一篇:浅析中西方餐桌礼仪的差异
  2. 下一篇:论《了不起的盖茨比》中美国梦的幻灭与重生
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