
    Despite, in the work, there is a large number of Taoist thought mixed with Buddhist thought. But Buddhism is still the predominant religious factor in Hong Loumeng. Firstly, in the novel, the appearance of a monk and a Taoist priest is the main line in the novel, and priest is always in a subordinate position. Secondly, Buddhism has a greater impact on main characters in Hong Loumeng. In Jia Fu, besides Jia Jing, all people believed in Buddhism, and Jia Jing, the unique Taoist followers, died of eating the elixir refined by himself. The beginning two stories in the novel best reflected Buddhist thought of Cao Xueqin, for example, the male lead Jia Baoyu finally “悬崖撒手”and became a monk;Miss Xichun, finally convertted to Buddhism for the destination. This series of Buddhist thought inevitably lay a deep imprint on the language of Hong Loumeng. The following examples show the Buddhist belief of the people in Jia Fu.

    (1) “王夫人因说道: ‘你舅舅今日斋戒去了, 再见罢。⋯’ ”(Chapter 3)

    “我的菩萨哥儿,我说做了好梦呢,好容易得遇见了你。” (Chapter 8)

    (2)“大老爷原是好养静的了, 已经修炼成了, 已算得是神仙了, 太太们这么一说, 这就叫做‘心到神知’了。”(Chapter 11)

    (3) “凤姐悄悄道: ‘放尊重些, 别叫丫头们看到了。’贾瑞如听纶语佛音一般, 忙往后退。”(Chapter 12)  (Cao Xueqin& Gao E,1992:267)

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