    AbstractA Thousand Splendid Suns, which spans the three decades of turbulent history in Afghanistanranging from post Soviet war to Taliban rule, could be claimed as an epic of Afghanistan in turmoil.It follows the lives of two women characters, depicting the miserable plight of Afghanistan women.Born a generation apart and with different backgrounds, Mariam and Laila encountered with eachother, which totally changed the course of their lives. The two wretched women faced the war,poverty, and family violence together, and finally helped each other to find freedom.With the help of feminist theories and reference materials about the history of Afghanistan, thethesis reveals the status of women in Afghanistan and analyzes the sufferings of Mariam and Lailasystematically. The author Hosseini doesn’t state directly that love is the savior in this novel. Theinterpretation of the symbolic meaning of Hosseini’s characterization is helpful to reveal the themeof this novel. In general, this thesis aims to discuss different kinds of misfortunes in the perspectiveof a female character and to clarify the existence of great love by comprehending the symbolismembedded in this novel.56984
    KeyWords: Afghanistan, figure of women, misfortunes, great love
    摘 要《千个骄阳》可谓是为一部描述阿富汗动荡局势的史诗级作品,将过去的30 年中阿富汗经历的动乱,从后苏联战争到塔利班的残酷统治,以小见大地展现了出来。作者以两个女人的生活为主线,描绘了阿富汗妇女的悲惨困境。女主人公玛利亚姆和莱拉是有着不同的出身和背景的两代人,但她们的相遇却彻彻底底地改变了彼此的人生轨迹。两个不幸的女人共同面对了战争、贫穷和家庭暴力,她们超越生死的友谊最终帮助彼此得到了救赎。在参考了有关阿富汗历史和女性主义理论的材料后,本文详细地阐述了阿富汗女性的地位,系统地分析玛利亚姆和莱利所承受的深远的痛苦。小说中作者胡塞尼并没有直接表明,爱就是救世主,而是通过解释爱对人民的象征意义来揭示这部小说的主题。本文旨在从女主人公视角出发来分析其不幸的遭遇,并且通过分析小说中的各种意象来理清爱的伟大意义。


    Acknowledgements.. i

    Abstract.. ii

    摘 要..iii

    1 Introduction.. 1

    2 The Plight ofWomen Behind TheWalls of Afghanistan..5

    2.1 Oppressed and Powerless Victims of Tragic Sweep ofWars 5

    2.2 Socio-political Injustice6

    2.3 Properties of Men.7

    3 Twists of Fate 9

    3.1 Mariam--Lifelong Endurance.. 9

    3.2 Laila--Transition from Everything to Nothing 10

    3.3 Encounter of The Two Miserable Women -- Mutual Redemption..11

    4 Great Love with Overwhelming Power..12

    4.1 Sacrificial Friendship..12

    4.2 Noble Man-woman Love..13

    4.3 Bond Between Parents and Children.14

    5 Conclusions. 15

    1 IntroductionA Thousand Splendid Suns (2007) , which spans the three decades of turbulent history inAfghanistan ranging from post Soviet war to Taliban rule, could be claimed as an epic ofAfghanistan in turmoil.The novel follows the lives of two women characters in the scenario of a war-torn country. Mariamwas an illegitimate child who lived with her mother since born, while her mother’s suicide and herfather’s cowardice forced Mariam to marry a shoemaker Rasheed, a man three times her age. Theyfailed to conceive a child, hence Rasheed married Laila, a well-educated young girl, but lost herwhole family in a bomb attack. Born a generation apart and with different backgrounds, Mariamand Laila faced the war, poverty and family violence together and finally helped each other to findfreedom, through life or through death.A Thousand Splendid Suns was inspired by the author’s own experience back to his hometownKabul. He saw these burka-clad women sitting at street corners, with four, five or six children,begging for change. Hosseini wondered how life had brought them to that point. The voices, facesand incredible stories of survival all stuck with him and turned out to be the stimulant for his secondnovel. As Hosseini once said in an interview, “I hope the book offers emotional subtext to theimage of the burka-clad woman walking down a dusty street in Kabul.” (Memmott, 2013:1)Authored by Khaled Hosseini, A Thousand Splendid Suns was eagerly awaited even before itspublication for the popularity of The Kite Runner (2003), the best-selling debut of Hosseini. Livingup to everyone’s expectation, A

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