
    With a full understanding of these backgrounds, we may not make some grave mistakes which may cause irretrievable losses when we communicate with foreigners. However, understanding does not only mean that you can translate idioms word for word from one language to another. We still need to take the cultural elements into consideration. The author will introduce two methods (domestication and foreignization) to help people solve the problems caused by cultural barriers in the communication and give people a new perspective of translating idioms.

    2. Literature review源Y自Z优尔W.论~文'网·www.youerw.com

    Many scholars have done comparative study between English and Chinese idioms in order to find the balance between these two languages and seeking out suitable translating methods.

    In Language, Culture and Translating, Nida(2001) talks about functional equivalence. He says that translating means communicating, and this process depends on what is received by persons hearing or reading a translation. Judging the validity of a translation cannot stop with a comparison of corresponding lexical meanings, grammatical classes, and rhetorical devices. 

    Zeng Xiangfang enhances the relationship between idioms and culture into the height of philosophy. She gives new classifications for the factors impacting idioms. She classifies the differences as different views of value, modes of thought, national psychologies and religions, and discusses about their separate influences on the translation of idioms. She points out that Chinese pay more attentions to the group while the westerners are more self-centered; Chinese pursue harmony, while westerners pursue freedom, equality and personality. 

    While for translating methods, Zhang Zhen (1999) pides translation into two categories, namely translating English into Chinese and translating Chinese to English. In each part, she sets many examples and analyses them separately. Through this method, she shows us the subtle differences between English and Chinese cultures and their relationships in mutual translation. However, it also involves cultural differences into it.

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