5.2 The Differences Between Uighur and English Greetings 11

6. Conclusion 12

6.1 The Value and Purpose of the Dissertation 12

6.2 Summary of the Results 12

6.3 Pedagogical Implications 13

6.4 Limitations and Suggestions 13

1. Introduction 

1.1 Research Background 

Greeting is one of the most important and basic speaking manner in the daily communication. It is one kind of speech behavior that frequently occurs in daily life. It could help people reflect the quality of themselves in society. Greeting is the first step of communication and the following communication is based on it. Communication between people is an important and indispensable aspect of human society, as it acts like bridges that connect inpiduals together. Greeting helps people feel friendly approachable and enthusiastic. It is emotively informative as it is for greeting each other. Therefore, proper greeting behavior is crucial for the foundation and maintenance of interpersonal relationships.

Different languages are not only different from their grammar, oral, semantics, but also different from their historical background of civilization. Different types of thinking and different value have different reactions to the usage of language. If we do not know the distinctions between them, there will be inevitably misunderstandings between each other. 

1.2 Motivations and Objectives

Greeting words are the common expression habits in our social life. It plays extremely important role in other languages, also reflects the different cultural connotations and communication habits of other ethnics and nations. The rules of using compliments in Chinese and in Uighur, however, are not the same as English greeting.

There are some obvious differences and features in these languages. This article analyzes the different and common points of three languages via cultural background, religious background and living habits.

 The purpose of study greetings is to identify different ways of greetings due to different cultural background, religious and life habit etc. The dissertation is about analysis the similarities and differences greetings in Chinese, Uighur and English. It describes what is greeting and how the way people greet different nations in details.

1.3 The structure of the Dissertation

This dissertation consists of five parts: Part 1 is an introduction, concerning the background, and the motivations and objectives. Part 2 is a literature review, including the concept of greetings and the category of greetings. Part 3 is the comparison between Chinese and Uighur Greetings, raising The similarities and differences between Chinese and Uighur Greetings. Part 4 is The Comparison Between Chinese and English Greetings, raising The similarities and differences between Chinese and English Greetings. Part 5 is a conclusion, including introduction, summary of the results, pedagogical implications, limitations and suggestions.

2. Literature Review

2.1 The Concept of Greetings

Greetings are also known as salutation, they are usually is short and simple in people’s daily life. People usually greet each other when they meet as planned or by chance. When people meet, they usually greet each other to show the respect and friendly relationship. Due to different cultural backgrounds and history origins, different nationalities and countries have various ways of greetings.

2.2 The Category of Greetings 

The Category of Culture is pided into three parts: Greeting, Inquiry Language and Narrow Greetings. There are three aspects about the types of greetings. First, verbal greetings and body potential greetings. Body potential is based on greetings. Properties and classifications of the same verbal greeting relative and a generalized greeting type, the styles of that are smiling, nodding, shaking hands, submissively, bow, kneel worship. Greeting, on the one hand, as the assistant form of verbal greeting and verbal greeting together said greeting. On the other hand, as an independent form of greeting, the function is equivalent to the above, 32 kinds in the way greetings. Second, regardless of the theory or the practice of verbal communication speaking, three kinds of verbal greeting have in depth study are necessary. However, due to the limited space, only about special greetings and further defines the scope of the habitual greeting on. Third, the grasp of the characteristic forms in greetings, mainly from the following aspects proceed: forms of greetings and the nature of pure or not ; greeting is auspicious or ominous; greeting genus is asking the rhetorical question; form of greeting applicable scope, acquaintances, earth, man and woman; the different style of greetings.

















