Abstract Because of having different cultural backgrounds, different peoples have different understandings of the same sentence. And just for this reason, many people fail to achieve true understanding of mutual utterances in communicating activities. Thus, it is quite necessary to make a study on the cultural differences in some special fields between China and Western countries. Since language is the most principal means for inter-cultural communication, idioms, as a part of language, are the core of a nation’s culture and wisdom. Being unique and fixed expressions, idioms are gradually formed in the process of using a particular language. English and Chinese idioms, as two languages' quintessence, play a prominent role in language communication. Just because of their special and important cultural differences, it is quite necessary to explore the translation of English and Chinese idioms from the perspective of Cultural difference.  This paper mainly analyzes five aspects of the cultural differences between the two languages such as natural geographical environment, social customs, religious beliefs, historical allusions, different modes of thinking and presents some skills for translation of English and Chinese idioms.60707

Keywords: English and Chinese idioms; culture; cultural differences; translation methods.

摘要由于有不同文化背景,不同的民族对同一句话有着不同的理解。并且因为这个原因,在交际活动中,许多人未能理解双方话语的真正意思。因此,研究中西方在某些领域中的文化差异是相当有必要的。鉴于语言是跨文化交际中最主要的手段,作为语言中的一部分, 习语是一个民族文化和智慧的核心,是某一语言使用过程中形成的独特而固定的表达方式。英汉习语作为两种不同的语言精髓,在语言交流中发挥重要作用。因此,从文化差异角度来探究英汉习语是非常有必要的。本论文主要探讨这两种语言在自然地理环境、风俗习惯、宗教信仰,历史典故,思维模式五方面的文化差异,并呈现翻译英汉习语的几种技巧。



1. Introduction 1

2. Literature Review 1

3. The significance of idioms 2

4. The factors contributing to the cultural differences between English and Chinese idioms 2

4.1 The factors 2

4.2 The corresponding relationship between English and Chinese idioms 7

5. Some specific strategies used in idiom translation 8

5.1 Literal translation 8

5.2 Liberal translation 9

5.3 Literal plus liberal translation 10

6. Conclusion 11

Works Cited 12

1. Introduction

Language is an inseparable part of culture. And as a mirror of culture, language is loaded with abundant with culture; while as an important part of the language and culture of a society. Idioms are a set of unique and fixed expressions, which includes colloquialisms, proverbs, and slangs and so on. Different countries have different origins of cultures, which exerts a great influence on formation of different idioms. Consequently, idioms’ translation largely reflects a country’s culture. Many idioms are vivid, which carry strong local color and national features. Being explicit or implicit, some of them can trigger a variety of associations; some may contain more than one meaning, which means that the real meaning of an idiom must be dug out from the perspective of cultural differences. Translation plays an important role in cultural communication. However, with the development of translation research, people don’t consider translation merely as a switching of language symbols any longer, but as a means of cross-cultural communication. Moreover, because the differences exist in natural geographical environment, social customs, religious beliefs, historical allusions, and different modes of thinking, it’s unavoidable that we are bound to face some difficulties in translation of English and Chinese idioms. That is to say that we must not only pay attention to the factors that lead to some problems in translation of English and Chinese idioms but also master several skills for idioms’ translation. 

















