However, in 2001, the Ministry of Education issued the English Curriculum Standards which regarded “emotional attitude” as one of the objectives of the basic English education course, and pointed out that we should change the examination-oriented education, comprehensively promote quality education, cultivate students’ comprehensive quality and develop students’ knowledge, emotion, behavior and other aspects. Since then, some teachers have begun to focus on the role of emotions in teaching. However, in the actual English teaching, there still exist kinds of problems in the application of affective strategies. This paper will probe into the current situation of emotional education and how to use affective strategies to promote English teaching.  

1.2 Purpose of the Research源]自=优尔-·论~文"网·

In the full implementation of quality education, if we want to promote the English teaching and students’ overall sustainable development better, we must give full attention to the development of the various factors that influence the students, especially the emotional factors. H. H. Stern, a famous English educator, once said, “Emotions’ roles in language learning are at least as important as cognitive skills, even more important. Affective factors can not only promote students’ cognitive development, potential exploration and moral cultivation but also benefit students’ development of socialization and aesthetic conception. The paper aims at exploring the status and role of affective education in junior high school English education, and proposing some effective emotional strategies to promote the development of English teaching.

1.3 Structure of the Research

The paper is made up of five parts.

Chapter one serves as introduction, which contains stimulus, purpose and structure of the research. 

Chapter two is the literature review. After an introduction of affective education in China, the definition of related concepts, such as affection, affective education and affective strategy, will be discussed carefully. Then there is a general introduction to affective factors, including motivation, interest, attitude and anxiety. In addition, this part also includes the theoretical framework.

Chapter three provides some existing problems of application of affective teaching and the reasons why we should employ affective strategy.

Chapter four is the most important part offering some specific affective strategies to improve English teaching and learning in junior high school.

Chapter five comes to a conclusion of the thesis. 

















