Abstract With the booming of tourism industry in our country, an increasing number of foreign tourists come to visit Chinese places of interest. English, the widest accepted language, is necessary and essential in many aspects such as tourist guidance book, scenic spots, public signs and the local featured products. However, the target text can't be fully appreciated by foreigners due to the poor quality of translation. Tourism text English translation is pragmatic, purposeful and communicative activity, whose success mainly relies on the reader's reception and response. Aesthetics of Reception, a literature theory puts the readership at the central position, and sheds much enlightenment on tourism text translation. Under its guidance, the translator should pay more attention to the readers' subjective aesthetic consciousness and ability to accept, making foreign visitors have a better understanding in Chinese brilliant culture. 61217

Keywords: Aesthetics of Reception; Reader-oriented; Tourism text; English Translation



1. Introduction1

2. Literature Review2

3. Aesthetics of Reception2

4. Application and Strategy on Tourism Text Based on Aesthetics of Reception3

4.1 Application in Tourism Text Translation 3

4.2 Strategies for Tourism Text Translation6

5. Conclusion11

Works Cited12

1. Introduction 

     In recent years, with the booming of tourism industry in our country, the beauty   and charm of Chinese natural scenery as well as historical sites and cultural relics attract tourists from all over the world. English, the widest accepted language, are necessary and essential in many aspects such as tourist guidance book, public signs, and the local featured products. However, the target text cannot be fully appreciated by foreigners due to the poor quality of translation. For this reason, how to make the beauty known to the foreign visitors and arouse the interest of tourists becomes a hot topic. Tourism translation is a special because it serves to the tourist from the other culture.(Chen Gang,2004:59) It is a cross-linguistic, inter-cultural and cross-space communicative action. It is also widely acknowledged that an excellent translation of tourism text should not only give readers all required information, but help them acquire a better understanding of Chinese history, society and culture. Apart from the linguistic mistakes and cultural errors in the translation, there still exist great conflicts in cultural backgrounds, moral concepts, customs and traditions, and aesthetic tastes and modes of thinking, which badly hinders readers to understand the target text. Because of such differences, it is no doubt that it is a tough job to translate tourism text into English in a proper manner. 源:自'优尔.·论,文;网·www.youerw.com/

Aesthetics of Reception, putting the readership at the central position, sheds much enlightenment on tourism text translation, under which guidance, the translator should pay more attention to the readers' subjective aesthetic consciousness and acceptance ability. Through interacting and resonating with readers' conscious, the text can guide the reader to actively participate in the process to achieve the aesthetic enjoyment and to make foreign visitors have a better understanding in Chinese culture. 

















