Abstract English writing, as a means of communication, is extremely important in both the teaching of English and English exams. However, the teaching of English writing in junior high school has been the most troublesome problem among teachers and students for a long time. Most teachers consider that the problems in writing are caused by students. However, few teachers realize the possible problems may be resulted from their teaching of English writing. With careful analysis, it is not hard to find that the qualities and the teaching levels of teachers deeply affect the teaching of English writing course.  This paper aims to explore the problems in the teaching of English writing course from the perspective of junior high school teachers and put forward to several solutions to improve the students' ability of English writing.61487

Key words: Junior High School students; the teaching of English writing; teachers; teaching problems; solutions


毕业论文关键词:初中生;英语写作教学; 教师; 教学问题; 解决方法


1. Introduction 1

2. The Problems in the Teaching of English Writing Course 2

2.1 Teacher’s Attitudes towards the Teaching of the English Writing 3

2.2The Teaching Methods are not Scientific 4

2.3 The Unicity of the Evaluation Method 6

2.4 The Teaching of English Writing Ability is Limited 7

3. Solving the problems 8

3.1Cultivate Students’ English Thought Pattern 8

3.2Evaluate Writings in Various Approaches 8

3.3 Encourage Students to Insist on Writing 9

3.4 Improve Personal Competence and Stimulate Students' Interest in Writing 11

4. Conclusion 11

Works Cited 13 

1. Introduction

Listening, speaking, reading and writing are the four basic skills that the junior high school students should master. The main goal of English teaching in junior high school is to develop students’ ability of the four skills. Writing comes last, but it means the actual as well as ultimate use of the language. It is not what the teachers and students could neglect. It makes a person exact, further fluent in the language. It develops with the other three skills. As a matter of fact, writing must be the most complex and difficult. It is a means of communication, characterized by purposeful and contextualized interaction. “Within the communicative framework of language teaching, the skill of writing enjoys special status. It is via writing that a person can communicate a variety of messages to a close or distant, know or unknown readers. Such communication is extremely important in the modern world” (Celce-Murcia 2007:98)

“Writing is a very important way of communication in our daily life. The ability to write in English is recognized in society and in schools as an important objective of foreign language teaching and learning.”(Shu Baimei,2005:78) English writing is a very important skill to junior high school students. Not only can it improve their ability to use what they have learned, but also it can help them to acquire more vocabulary. Besides, it can help them to know more western cultural knowledge. Last but not least, writing makes great contribution to their logical thinking and analysis ability. Therefore, it is necessary to improve students’ levels of English writing ability.源:自/优尔-·论,文'网·www.youerw.com/

















