Abstract Chinese traditional poems was the golden treasure of China. As the highest form in literature. Poem translation should convey the artistic concept and enable readers to enjoy and appreciate the beauty of translation version. Bai Juyi was one of the most famous poet in Tang Dynasty. His poem, The Everlasting Regret described the sad and sweet love between Yang Guifei and Li Longji. Many translators like Xu Yuanchong, Yang Xianyi and Dai Naidie, Witter Bynner tried to translated this poem.As one of the most famous translator in China, Xu Yuanchong translated poems from the aspect of aesthetics, he raised the three beauties principle which including beauty in sense, in form and in sound. The three beauties principle provided a good platform and basis for research of poem translation and made great contributions to the translation of Chinese traditional poems. This thesis will view the translation of The Everlasting Regret from Xu Yuanchong’s three beauties principle. This thesis attempt to analyze how translators convey three beauties from three aspects: beauty in sense, beauty in sound and beauty in form to enrich the theory.62414

Key words: Xu Yuanchong; Three Beauties; Bai Juyi; The Everlasting Regret 

摘要中国的传统诗歌是中华文明的瑰宝,作为文学的最高形式,在翻译中应传达出原文的意境美,让读者在阅读时能够得到像读原诗时一样的享受和美。白居易是中国著名诗人,也是唐朝作品最多的诗人。他的作品《长恨歌》更是享誉全球。这首诗描述了杨贵妃和李隆基之间凄美的爱情故事,诸多译者例如许渊冲,杨宪益和戴乃迭以及Witter Bynner等都对这首诗歌做出了翻译。其中,许渊冲从美学的角度对诗歌进行翻译,他所提出的包括意美,形美,音美在内的诗歌翻译三美理论为诗歌的翻译研究提供了良好的平台和基础,他的翻译理论对中国古诗的翻译是十分有益的。许渊冲也在他的作品中贯彻了他的翻译原则,此篇文章就将通过赏析许渊冲所翻译的长恨歌来研究他的三美理论,从意美,形美,音美三个角度分析其如何在译文中将三美体现出来,以此来充实其翻译理论。



1. Introduction1

2. Literature Review1

2.1 Poetic translation theories of Xu Yuanchong....2

2.2 Reproduction of Bai Juyi and The Everlasting Regret .....4

3. Three Beauties in The Translation of The Everlasting Regret.....5

3.1 Beauty in sense.5

3.2 Beauty in sound........11

3.3 Beauty in form...14

4. Conclusion..15

Works Cited...17

1. Introduction

 Translation is difficult, translation of poem is extremely difficult. Robert Frost said that: Poetry is what gets lost in translation.Other translators like Shelley, Wen Yiduo ect., also hold the view that poem can’t be translated. The root cause of the difficulty of translating poems is that it’s hard to express the artistic conception contained in the poem when translators are translating. And the different forms of poem also contributed the difficulty.

  As a carrier of Chinese traditional culture, classical Chinese poetry is one of the most valuable treasures in Chinese literary history, translation of Classical Chinese poetry is the most difficult due to the concise text and the deep artistic conceptions. Aesthetics played an important role in Classical Chinese poetry, which requires reproduction of the beauty in sense,beauty in sound and beauty in form. 

  This thesis will explore how aesthetics applied into poetry translation by using Xu Yuanchong’s translations of The Everlasting Regret. As an excellent Chinese translator, translated poems from the aspect of aesthetics. He pointed out the theory of three beauties and he was proclaimed as the only expert in the world who can translate Chinese poetry into English and French rhyme.

















