The researches on him and his works,at home or abroad,have never stopped. Nowadays more and more scholars make researches on his worksfrom different aspects, such as sociology, psychology, philosophy and so on.Lawrence is now valued as a visionary thinker and significant representative ofmodernism in English literature. Lawrence’s view on women was expressed in manyof his works as well. Many critics hold the opinion that Lawrence’s works reflect hispatriarchal ideas, while others believe that he appreciates women’s fight for right andemancipation. Sons and Lovers is D.H. Lawrence’s one of the most important novelsin which he discussed the relationship between man and woman. In this thesis, theauthor focuses on the relationship between man and women. 2. Literature ReviewSons and Lovers,
Which is the landmark of Lawrence’s creations, is anautobiographical psychoanalytic novel. Applying the realistic skill, Lawrencedescribes the growth of a boy born in Middle England, and reveals the tragedy of theminer's son.Since the 1950s, Western scholars researched Lawrence’s Sons and Lovers frommany different angles. When Scholle firstly evaluated Sons and Lovers from thatperspective, he analyzed the conflict between the two main themes of the novel: thestrong motherly love have a depressing impact on Paul and his split love of body andsoul. However Scholle changed his views in 1951, he believed that Lawrence aremore close to the reader and he attempted to include more, newer and moresignificant moral material in novel than other writers. The critic Dorothy Van Ghentalso analyzed Sons and Lovers in the way of form and structure.Xu Xiaoqing writes in her “Analysis of British Industrial Civilization Tragedyfrom Marriage Fission in Sons and Lovers ” (The Academic Journal of AnqingNormal University, 2002 Vol. 21, No. 6), “the reason that caused Morel family’sdeformities change of couple and mother-child relationship includes class differencesand people’s level gap and industrial civilization’s damage on people’s nature and soon. Liu Jiyuan writes in his "Analysis on Paul's Oedipus Complex and the Reasons inSons and Lovers ” (The Academic Journal of Southwest University of Science andTechnology, 2005 Volume 22, 2), “health mental state must be established on thebasis of a healthy lifestyle and social system.
Sons and Lovers which focus on thedescription of mental problems, also contains social factors.” Ren peihong in the“Tragedy of Modern civilization—Pondering over the Morel’s family from theperspective of Figure Tragic in Sons and Lovers” (“Foreign Literature”2008 Volume22, No. 3) also analyzed the reason that caused the tragedy.Given that, the author of this thesis will change the angel to analyze Sons and Lovers.On the basis of previous scholar, this thesis aims at study the gender relationship inSons and Lovers by analyzing Lawrenc’s personal emotional experience and figuresin the novel and comparing Sons and Lovers and other works of Lawrence, and thenincludes that the harmonious gender relationship is based on the unity of body and 3. Love Models in Sons and Lovers3.1 Doomed Marriage between Mr. Morel and Mrs. MorelPaul's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morel, met at a dance party, and they can be said tobe love at first sight. After they got married, they once had sweet and happy days.However, due to the two different origins, personality clashes and different spiritualpursuit, after a brief passion, they had endless war of words. The husband even beatshis wife and drives her out the house when she is already pregnant.The couples in the novel only have the combination of the flesh, but don’t havethe communication of the spirit and the soul. The Father was a coal miner who ismuddleheaded, excessive drinking and vulgar. He often has no regard for family’sthings and the future of children. Paul’s mother was born in the middle class and sheis educated. She isn’t satisfied with her marriage.