1.1 Purpose of the study

Interpretation asks for not only a lot of practices and long-time accumulation, but also every aspect of English and comparison between Chinese and English. How to increase and strengthen the ability of English interpreters has long been explored. However, those professional interpreters mainly focused their study on the cultural background or vocabulary. Although there are some syntax researchers study syntactic differences, they focus their attention on the written translation, not mentioning the empirical study on the syntactic difference in consecutive interpretation. One thing those scholars share in common is that they stress on the theoretical study. This thesis tries to explain the theory from the reality, analyzing the syntactic differences between Chinese and English that can cause consecutive interpretation mistakes through a empirical study. 

1.2 Significance of the study

The most important point of this study is the empirical study, which tries to explain every theory from a specific example, making some complement to current study. From the empirical study, the syntactic differences can be clearly described and the influence these differences can cause will be more well-informed and illustrated. Besides, this thesis will do some help in interpreting teaching, helping teachers to know how much they students have learned and how well they understand about they've learned. Under this circumstance, this thesis also gives some suggestion concluded from the empirical study and English-Chinese consecutive interpretation learners have a more clear goal in their practice more efficiently. 

2. Literature Review

Lin (2012) classified the interpretation mistakes into three catalogues. Firstly, vocabulary mistakes, which includes the mistakes in using a single word or an expression, the wrong pronunciation and the misuse of familiar words. Secondly, grammar mistakes, which means there are mistakes in collocation, modifier, pronoun, logical relation. Thirdly, syntactic mistakes, which can be recognized in the context structure and logic mistakes. Lin’s study asserts that syntactic mistakes are well worth being studied and are quite necessary.文献综述

On the details of syntactic differences, many scholars give their own opinion and share their study. Jia (2012), Zhu( 2011), Xu (2010) and Li (2007) mentioned hypotaxis and parataxis difference. English is hypotaxis as it stresses on the form of a sentence, a clear structure can be caught while listening. Chinese is parataxis as it stresses on the logic of a sentence. A sentence is consist of many small parts, they are organized in time or logic order.

Ji (1996), Zhu (2011) and Li (2007) have mentioned that English often uses long sentences, while Chinese often uses short sentences. This is a "complex and simplex" difference. 

Jun (1997) has mentioned that the static noun phrase and dynamic verb-object or subject-verb phrase influence the interpretation result. This is a "static and dynamic" difference. In English we can see many nouns to express a verb meaning as the verb can be changed into many different noun forms without changing its meaning. In Chinese, we tend to use more verbs to describe to developing of an action.

Although most researchers carried out their interpretation study from different culture background differences, the note-taking methods and so on. Jia (2012), Zhu (2011), Xu (2010) and Liming (2007) still carried out deep research from syntactic differences. But there are some flaws about their studies. Most researchers stress on the written translation instead of interpretation. Many points they mention in their studies are fit for translation but not interpretation. These two subjects need different capability and the methods of practicing translation cannot be applied to that of interpretation. Besides, their studies are too academic and only from a macro perspective, without any the application to the reality. What's more, the conclusions drawn from their studies are not comprehensive or systemic, ignoring some other syntactic differences that may lead to interpretation mistakes. 来.自/优尔论|文-网www.youerw.com/

















