Abstract With the rapid development of globalization, economy and culture exchange among different countries are becoming more and more frequent. Business English translation plays a vital role as a means of communication and media. It requires that translators have rich knowledge in the theory and practice of business, understand the linguistic features of business English for the articulation of business information.Business English features pragmatism, preciseness, politeness and clarity.Therefore, translation of business document necessitates some skills to match its textual features. The paper aimes to explore the skills in business English translation.67947

Keywords: business English; linguistic features;translation skills




1. Introduction1

2. Linguistic Features of Business English...1

2.1 Specialization and Accuracy...1

2.2 Great Semantic Variety...2


2.4 Rationality. .....2

2.5 Conventionality...2

3. Business English Translation Skills 3

3.1 Choosing exact words...3

3.2 Addition and omission 4

3.2.1 Addition....4

3.2.2 Omission...5

3.3 Semantic extension..5

3.4 Affirmative translation and counter-translation...5

3.5Conversion of clauses in Translation...6

3.6 Cross-cultural Considerations...7

4. Translation of Words without Equivalence in the Target Language8

4.1 Free translation9

4.2 Transliteration....10

4.3 Combination of transliteration and free translation...10

5. Conclusion..10

Works Cited.12

1. Introduction 

As is known to all, English has become the best media in international business activities. Business English is a branch of English for special Purpose, it is based on the basic English grammar, syntax and vocabulary, but also has a unique linguistic phenomenon and the performance content. With the prosperity and development of the international business, the intensity of our opening to outside work is increasing, especially after the accession to the WTO, business English translation work is very important. Business English translation is more complex  than general English translation, the translator except to master two language and be familiar with business knowledge, understand the expression method and the language characteristic of business field. Many domestic scholars work diligently to improve the quality of business English translation work,and have done a lot of research and exploration on problems like business English translation standards, methods, characteristics. In the study on the basis of absorbing others point of view, I propose some effective skills in business English translation from several angles.

2. Linguistic Features of Business English

2.1 Specialization and Accuracy 文献综述

Business English relates to business theory and business practice, etc., its language is extremely professional. Business English vocabulary words are abbreviated, which contains a large number of professional terms, the commercial has meanings of common words or compound words, as well as abbreviations and so on. Such as B/L(bill of lading)提货单, D/P(documents against payment), Exp.& Imp. Inc (export-import incorporated) 进出口有限公司,import and export company进出口公司, EXW(ex works)工厂交货,F.O.B(free on board) 离岸价,G.W. (gross weight)毛重,bad check空头支票,a firm offer 实盘,workfare(work welfare)工作福利and so on. It is impossible to understand the meaning of these professional business English vocabulary if you don’t have a certain expertise.

















