    Acknowledgments The completion of this study should be attributed to many people who have given me enlightenment, encouragement and guidance. I hereby would like to extend my sincere gratitude to them for their selfless dedication and contribution to this thesis.

    Firstly, I would like to show my appreciation to the scholars who have devoted themselves to the research of the metadiscourse and provided a lot of helpful works for reference. During the time of the data collection, I have learnt much valuable information about metadiscourse.

    Secondly, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Associate Prof. Miao Suqin, my supervisor, for her patient guidance and encouragement in the process of my writing. She has offered me constructive advice, inspiring suggestions and criticism. She has also shared her ideas during our face-to-face discussion. I do appreciate that she has spared much of her precious time to read my draft, revise my paper, point out mistakes in my dissertation and give me many instructive suggestions. Without her support and help, it would be impossible to complete the present dissertation. I am also very grateful to all other teachers of the School of Foreign Languages who have given me direct or indirect help during my study in the college.

    Then, I also express my sincere thanks to my friends and my fellow classmates, who have also generously granted their help to me when I struggle with my research and made great contribution to my dissertation, and I really feel grateful for their support.
    Finally, I would like to express my thanks and love to my dear parents, who have been encouraging and supporting me in my daily life. And during the process of writing my thesis, I really appreciate their support and encouragement.
    Since Zellig Harris coined the term metadiscourse in 1959, it has gained increasing interest in various fields in the domain of language research. According to Hyland’s theory, metadiscourse is a cover term for self-reflective expressions used to talk about interactional meanings in the text, and it also helps writer express perspectives and engages with readers as members of a particular community. Metadiscourse can be pided into interactive resources and interactional resources according to Hyland.

    Pride and Prejudice is a well-known novel in the world. It also has been made into TV drama four times. This paper seeks to explore the role that metadiscourse markers play in the novel and TV drama of Pride and Prejudice. Based on an analysis of two extracts (5000 words each style), the research intends to reveal the metadiscoursal features in its TV drama and novel and to identify the similarities and differences of the use of metadiscourse between these two versions.

    This study discloses that there are more interactional resources than interactive ones in both of the two versions because interpersonal communication is the dominant part in both of the works. The similarities in the two versions can be ascribed to the fact that dialogues account for a large part of the novel, which shares the features of dialogues in the TV drama. And the TV drama is faithful to the original work. On the other hand, the difference of the metadiscoursal mechanism is caused by the different styles of the two versions.
    Key Words:  metadiscourse, contrastive study, style
    自从Zellig Harris1959年提出元话语概念以来,它在语言研究的不同领域引起了语言学家们浓厚的兴趣。海兰提出的元话语理论认为,在文本交流中通过元话语的运用来实现自我反思,表达作者观点,同时使读者参与其中。他把元话语分为交互式元话语和互动式话语。9311
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