Abstract English listening teaching is an important component of English teaching in junior high schools, but the current situation of English listening teaching in junior high schools in our country is still unsatisfactory, and there are still many problems. The task-based language teaching (TBLT) is a sort of teaching or learning approach which thinks of specific learning or teaching tasks as the motivation, regards the process of the completing tasks as the learning or teaching process, considers the presentation of task outcomes as presenting the effects of teaching and learning. Based on the theory of TBLT, this thesis applies TBLT to English listening teaching in junior high schools in order to solve two main problems in current English listening teaching in junior high schools: first, teaching materials; second, teaching modes. This thesis according to task design principles of TBLT designs various appropriate and practical tasks, pides task-based listening teaching into three stages: pre-listening, while-listening, post-listening, so as to raise students’ interest in listening and change teachers’ traditional and single teaching modes. The lesson “Keep it up, Xie Lei” is used to propose an actual teaching design by using TBLT for the further application and explanation of TBLT.70455

Keywords: TBLT; English listening teaching; application

摘要英语听力教学是初中教学的重要组成部分,但是目前我国的初中英语听力教学仍不尽人意,还存在着许多问题。任务型教学是以具体的任务为学习动机或动力,以完成任务的过程为教学的过程,以展示任务成果的方式来体现教学成就的一种教学方法。基于任务型教学理论,本研究将任务型教学法应用于初中英语听力教学中,试图解决现阶段初中英语听力教学中存在的两个主要问题:第一,听力教材中的问题;第二,教学模式中的问题。本研究按照任务型教学法中任务设计的原则,设计多种真适可行的任务,将任务型教学划分为听前,听中,以及听后三个部分,从而解决学生对听力兴趣不足的问题和传统听力教学模式单一的问题,并以“Keep it up, Xie Lei”一课为例设计实际教案加以应用和说明。



1. Introduction 1

2. Literature Review 2

2.1 The study of TBLT.. 2

2.2 The study of listening teaching 6

3. The Current Situation of English Listening Teaching in Junior High Schools 7

3.1 The situation of teaching materials 8

3.2 The situation of teaching modes 9

4. The Implication of TBLT in English Listening Teaching in Junior High Schools 9

4.1 The types of tasks 9

4.2 The principles of designing tasks in English listening teaching 11

5. The Application of TBLT in English Listening Teaching in Junior High Schools 12

5.1 The steps of designing TBLT mode in English listening teaching 12

5.2 A case study of TBLT 14

6. Conclusion 16

Works Cited 18

1. Introduction

As one of the four basic language skills, listening is a key way to get English information. When the capability of independent listening has been schooled, students could 1earn by themselves, laying firm foundation for their listening to and understanding various materials in the future. Thus especial stress is laid on listening part in English teaching and in man-machine conversation test in senior high school entrance examination. The National English Curriculum points out that English listening course should not focus too much on grammar and vocabulary teaching, which emphasizes that the course should start from students’ interest in listening, life experience and cognitive level. It advocates experience, practice, participation, cooperation and communication, and develops the students’ comprehensive language using ability.

















