A Study on Chinese Translation of English Film Titles Abstract Film is not only a form of entertainment but also a medium in cross-cultural communication。 The introduction of English films to China is now in a boom。 Many Chinese audiences indulge in English films as they provide an insight into western culture。 Film title is extremely important as it leaves first impression on audience。 This thesis will make a study on Chinese translation of English film titles。 Supported by the examples of Chinese translation of film titles, the thesis summarizes the most common four translation methods, transliteration, literal translation, liberal translation and creative translation。 It also focuses on principles on English film title translation which generally consist of culture principle, faithfulness and accuracy, aesthetic principle and commercial value。 72795

Key Words: film title translation; translation methods; translation principles





1。 Introduction    1

2。 Literature Review  2

  2。1 A Brief Overview of Studies on Translation   2

  2。2 An Overview of Studies on English film Title Translation  2

3。 Translation Methods and Their Application to English film Title Translation  4

  3。1 Transliteration  4

  3。2 Literal Translation   4

  3。3 Liberal Translation   5

  3。4 Creative Translation  6

4。 Principles on the Translation of film Titles   7

  4。1 Culture Principle  7

4。1。1 Social Acceptance  7

4。1。2 Religious Factor   8

  4。2 Faithfulness and Accuracy   8

  4。3 Aesthetic Principle   9

  4。4 Commercial Value   9

5。 Conclusion   11

Bibliography  12

1。 Introduction

    With the reform and opening-up, China is becoming more tolerant with western culture。 One of the most convincing evidence is the increasing number of western films introduced into China。 Before 2012, the limited quota of imported English films is 20 annually。 To meet the rising demand of Chinese audience, the imported films amount to 34 annually。 According to the statistics issued by SARFT (State Administration of Radio, Film and Television), China has been equipped with over 31,000 big screens, which symbolizes the rapid development of China's film market。 Another report made by Xinhua News Agency  showed that China's box office revenues reached 44。07 billion RMB in 2015。 At present, Hollywood imports account for near 1/3 of China's box office takings。论文网

     Film, as a combination product of both art and commerce method, is superior in the way of conveying information and attracting audience to other forms of art。 To make profits with high production costs, producers must find outlets for propagandizing their work。 As is produced in non-native language, imported English films must be re-endowed with an eye-catching title to attract more Chinese audience。 A remarkable translation of film title can give a good impression on people, thus appealing to more audience。 It can both convey important messages of the film and reconcile two different cultures as well。 

















