    关键词  商务交流   关联理论   话语误解   
    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
    Title           Analysis of Misunderstanding In Business                  
            Communication From Relevance Theory                                                 
    Definition: This paper attempts to use the framework of Relevance Theory to analyze some misunderstandings which occur in business communication. According to the Relevance Theory, misunderstanding is defined as the incompatible premise between what listener has implied and what speaker has expected. Business Communication is complete, polite, and accurate, while it also has exact goal. Hence, misunderstanding is surely not allowed in Business Communication.
    Research Method: This paper uses Case Analysis and Documentary Analysis as tools, choosing the Business Communication as its specified object, clearing the characteristics and forming process of misunderstanding in Business Communication. With the help of document, resources and examples can be used to explain the misunderstanding in Business Communication systematically.
    Conclusion: (1) Different listeners are gifted different abilities to complement premise. Spoken words should have complete ostension so that listeners can receive complete ostensive information.
    (2) Speaker should try to keep consistent cognitive context with listener. While listener should endeavors to try more perspective taking to fulfill the relevance that speaker waits in hope.
    (3) Speaker should frequently make sure whether listener stays in his cognitive context or not when communication is underway. While listener should frequently make sure if he can receive ostensive information that speaker has offered.
    Keywords   Business Communication  Relevance Theory  
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