However, it cannot be denied that the correct teaching approach in primary school right English teaching process has been greatly ignored。 The traditional Chinese “cramming method of teaching” still plays a leading role in our country。 It is a national step to make such a start because English education is a systematic project whose different stages are linked with one another。 Primary school is the special ring for it is the starting point and foundation for others。 Therefore, whether it is stable or not will certainly be related to the effect of the whole things。 Childhood is the ideal phase to acquire a native or foreign language。 So it is vital to start English teaching in primary school。 The quality of English teaching cannot be greatly improved if we still confine ourselves to traditional teaching method。 So, improving primary English teaching method will be one of the most appropriate procedures leading to effective teaching。 In practical teaching it is impractical to announce that a specific language teaching method is efficient forever。 Though there are lots of teaching methods to use, we still find it quite hard to get satisfactory results in primary school English teaching。 Then it remains an important thing to improve the existing teaching methods。 

In China, English is taught as the second language in most of the schools。 Many parents pay more attention to the English education of their children。 At the same time, many teachers have their own teaching methods。 As a matter of fact, situational teaching method is a method which is common and practical in our daily teaching。

This thesis is one of the many attempts aimed at the goal to enable students to learn English effective and be willing to learn English。 Hereon, I endeavor to propose the situational teaching methodology as an perfect English teaching approach and make a further step to inquire into its practice in primary school English teaching。 

2。 Literature Review

The situational teaching method was established and prevailed in England from 1930s to 1960s。 In the 1970s, it was introduced to China and well-known in the foreign language field。 The widely known “New Concept English” was taught in this method。

The basic requirement of situational teaching method is to fully motivate students’ sensory organs to apperceive the objects to be learned through seeing, hearing even touching them。 The American applied linguist Krashen put forth the theory of “Input Hypothesis” in his acquisition theory of second language learning。 He considered that acquisition could be formed on the basis of comprehensive language input and the reason why the input could be understood was the help of context。 Hence we can know that Krashen emphasized on the external language environment。 In terms of the relationship between the language and cognition, both the organs of language and the development degree of human’s brain provided the physiological foundation for people learning language, while the rich cultural and social environment offered the favorable conditions for the acquired language learners (Fang 67)。 In the process of learning English, the teacher’s leading role is to build up a bridge between the two, while this effective bridge is language environment。 文献综述

The Czech educationist J。A。 Comenius regarded “all the things should be close to the sensory organs as much as possible within the probable scope”。 He demonstrated the necessity of intuitional instruction on the basis of sensualism。 At the same time, he advocated to “utilize all the potential means to arouse children’s the desire of seeking knowledge” in order to enhance students’ proactivity and consciousness。

The main theory of behavioral psychology is stimulus-reaction theory。 Burrhus Frederic Skinner was one of the initiators of new-behavioristic psychology。 He classified them to two kinds: “one type is responsive behavior which is the reaction caused by the known stimulus; another type is operational behavior which has nothing to do with any known stimulus。 It is the reaction that the organism itself generates”(Skinner 77)。 Correspondingly the conditional reflex was pided to respondent conditioning and operant conditioning。 In teaching process, if the students answer correctly, teacher would praise or smile at him/her。

















