Abstract Robert Lowell is a significant figure in American literary history. Popularly known for his “confessional poems”, his greatness truly lies in the astonishing variety of his works. Among all of his vast amount of works on religion, history, politics and his own life, no matter well-polished, tightly patterned and strictly formed early poems, or much loosely structured, extremely personal later works, their endings are notably with bizarreness and inconclusiveness. The crucial importance of a poem’s closure is that it is in charge of the long-term effect upon the audience. Therefore, good understanding on Lowell’s endings and their artistic features are of great importance in order to understand Lowell’s “Art and Self”. Given Lowell’s influence on later American literature, this understanding carries great significance in terms of American contemporary literature study. The aim of this paper is to analyze the artistic features of the endings of Robert Lowell’s poems through taking a deep look at their poetic structure (formally and thematically) and their connection with the poet’s life experiences.
    As the outcome of intensive reading of Robert Lowell’s poems as well as extensive reading of other closely related literatures about his life and experiences, and also as the application of the techniques introduced in related studies in poetic closure, this paper casts light on how these poems end. Chapter one is an introduction to the subject of this thesis and the theoretical bases of poetic closure. The techniques and literary theory of poetic closure are presented in Chapter two. Chapter three illustrates the life and career of Lowell and the characteristics of his works. In this paper, Lowell’s poems are generally pided into early poems and late poems, according to the alteration of his style; the poems in two phases are examined respectively by two representative poems: “The Quaker Graveyard in Nantucket” and “Skunk Hour” in Chapter four. Chapter five is conclusion illustrating the overall features of Lowell’s poetry in early and late phases, as well as the differences and relations between the distinctive features in two phases. Finally, the significance of Lowell and his influence on American literature are stressed, which ratifies the importance of examining his artistic features in closure.
    Key Words: Robert Lowell, Poetic Closure,American Contemporary Poetry
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