2。2 Previous Studies on the Application of Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory to the Analysis of Literary Works

As Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory conforms with the objectively existing human needs, it is applied to many fields such as education, business management, customer consumption and so on, also its application on literature analysis becomes more and more popular。 From previous studies on the application of Need Hierarchy Theory to the analysis of literature, it can be found that the fields mainly concentrate on two aspects。 On the one hand, some researches analyze character’s psychological development。 In “Growth and Self-Actualization-- A study of My Antonia from the Perspective of Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory”, Wang(2014) studies the character’s satisfactions of different levels of needs and evaluating their developments。 Xu (2012) makes an attempt to explore the psychological journey of Burning Daylight by adopting Maslow’s theory of hierarchy of needs and that of self-actualization。 Zhang (2009) in his thesis interprets Celie’s psychological changes and how she eventually realizes her self-actualization。 On the other hand, Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory is applied to analyze the causes。 For instance, Zhao (2009) analyzes Scarlett’s efforts and actions she takes to satisfy five levels of needs in Gone with the Wind according to Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory, from which she reveals Scarlett’s behavior is directly motivated by her needs。 Lin(2011) uses Need Hierarchy Theory to explain why the four children in the novel Homecoming try desperately to seek their true home。 Likewise, Zhao(2014) in his thesis “Study Needs’ Generation and Satisfaction in The Call of the Wild” explores the fundamental cause of Buck’s returning to the wild。 He(2014) applies Maslow’s Motivation Theory to the study of the Jewish images in literary works The Merchant of Venice and Ivanhoe。 By analyzing the deficiency and gratification of each level of needs of two fathers and daughters, Shylock and Jessica, Isaac and Rebecca, reasons for their different behaviors and different fates under similar external environment will be found。来*自~优|尔^论:文+网www.youerw.com +QQ752018766*

As is seen above, Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory is increasingly applied to the analysis of literature。 Therefore, it is reasonable and profound to apply it to the analysis of Kitty’s growth and self-actualization in The Painted Veil。 As there are few researches adopting this theory to analyze this novel, it is a new try。












